function isTouchDevice() { return 'ontouchstart' in window // works on most browsers || 'onmsgesturechange' in window; // works on ie10 } function isMobileDevice() { return (typeof window.orientation !== "undefined") || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('IEMobile') !== -1); }; ( function( $ ) { // Make sure you run this code under Elementor.. $( window ).on( 'elementor/frontend/init', function() { jQuery("img.lazy").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); jQuery(this).Lazy({ onFinishedAll: function() { currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); currentImg.parent('.tg_gallery_lightbox').parent("").removeClass("lazy"); } }); }); //Apply all entrance animation jQuery('#page-content-wrapper .elementor-widget-image.animation').each(function() { jQuery(this).smoove({ offset : '30%' }); }); var bodyBGColor = jQuery('body').css('background-color'); if(bodyBGColor != '') { jQuery('#wrapper').css('background-color', bodyBGColor); } //Caculated min height section dynamically for mobile if(parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) < 501) { jQuery("section.elementor-section-height-min-height .elementor-container").each(function() { jQuery(this).height('auto'); }); } jQuery(window).resize(function() { jQuery("section.elementor-section-height-min-height .elementor-container").each(function() { var currentSection = jQuery(this); if(parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) < 501) { currentSection.height('auto'); } else { currentSection.height(''); } }); }); elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction('frontend/element_ready/global', function( $scope ) { if(elementorFrontend.isEditMode()) { var elementSettings = {}; var modelCID = $ 'model-cid' ); var settings =[ modelCID ]; if(typeof settings != 'undefined') { var type = settings.attributes.widgetType || settings.attributes.elType, settingsKeys = elementorFrontend.config.elements.keys[ type ]; if ( ! settingsKeys ) { settingsKeys = elementorFrontend.config.elements.keys[type] = []; jQuery.each( settings.controls, function ( name, control ) { if ( control.frontend_available ) { settingsKeys.push( name ); } }); } jQuery.each( settings.getActiveControls(), function( controlKey ) { if ( -1 !== settingsKeys.indexOf( controlKey ) ) { elementSettings[ controlKey ] = settings.attributes[ controlKey ]; } } ); var widgetExt = elementSettings; } } else { //Get widget settings data var widgetExtObj = $scope.attr('data-settings'); if(typeof widgetExtObj != 'undefined') { var widgetExt = JSON.parse(widgetExtObj); } } if(typeof widgetExt != 'undefined') { //Begin scroll animation extensions if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_is_scrollme != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_is_scrollme == 'true') { var scrollArgs = {}; if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scalex.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scalex.size != 1) { scrollArgs['scaleX'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scalex.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scaley.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scaley.size != 1) { scrollArgs['scaleY'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scaley.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scalez.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scalez.size != 1) { scrollArgs['scaleZ'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_scalez.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatex.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatex.size != 0) { scrollArgs['rotateX'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatex.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatey.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatey.size != 0) { scrollArgs['rotateY'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatey.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatez.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatez.size != 0) { scrollArgs['rotateY'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_rotatez.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatex.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatex.size != 0) { scrollArgs['x'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatex.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatey.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatey.size != 0) { scrollArgs['y'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatey.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatez.size != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatez.size != 0) { scrollArgs['z'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_translatez.size; } if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_smoothness.size != 'undefined') { scrollArgs['smoothness'] = widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_smoothness.size; } //scrollArgs['duration'] = 150; $scope.attr('data-parallax', JSON.stringify(scrollArgs)); if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_disable != 'undefined') { if(widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_disable == 'mobile') { if(parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) < 501) { $scope.addClass('noanimation'); } } if(widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_disable == 'tablet') { if(parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) < 769) { $scope.addClass('noanimation'); } } jQuery(window).resize(function() { if(widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_disable == 'mobile') { if(isMobileDevice() || parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) < 501) { $scope.addClass('noanimation'); } else { $scope.removeClass('noanimation'); } } if(widgetExt.avante_ext_scrollme_disable == 'tablet') { if(parseInt(jQuery(window).width()) < 769) { $scope.addClass('noanimation'); } else { $scope.removeClass('noanimation'); } } }); } } //End scroll animation extensions //Begin entrance animation extensions if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_is_smoove != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_is_smoove == 'true') { $scope.addClass('init-smoove'); 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} return false; } } //End entrance animation extensions //Begin mouse parallax extensions if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_is_parallax_mouse != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_is_parallax_mouse == 'true') { var elementID = $scope.attr('data-id'); $scope.find('.elementor-widget-container').attr('data-depth', parseFloat(widgetExt.avante_ext_is_parallax_mouse_depth.size)); $scope.attr('ID', 'parallax-'+elementID); var parentElement = document.getElementById('parallax-'+elementID); var parallax = new Parallax(parentElement, { relativeInput: true }); if(elementorFrontend.isEditMode()) { if($scope.width() == 0) { $scope.css('width', '100%'); } if($scope.height() == 0) { $scope.css('height', '100%'); } } } //End mouse parallax extensions //Begin infinite animation extensions if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_is_infinite != 'undefined' && widgetExt.avante_ext_is_infinite == 'true') { var animationClass = ''; var keyframeName = ''; var animationCSS = ''; if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_infinite_animation != 'undefined') { animationClass = widgetExt.avante_ext_infinite_animation; switch(animationClass) { case 'if_swing1': keyframeName = 'swing'; break; case 'if_swing2': keyframeName = 'swing2'; break; case 'if_wave': keyframeName = 'wave'; break; case 'if_tilt': keyframeName = 'tilt'; break; case 'if_bounce': keyframeName = 'bounce'; break; case 'if_scale': keyframeName = 'scale'; break; case 'if_spin': keyframeName = 'spin'; break; } animationCSS+= keyframeName+' '; } //alert(widgetExt.avante_ext_infinite_duration); if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_infinite_duration != 'undefined') { animationCSS+= widgetExt.avante_ext_infinite_duration+'s '; } animationCSS+= 'infinite alternate '; if(typeof widgetExt.avante_ext_infinite_easing != 'undefined') { animationCSS+= 'cubic-bezier('+widgetExt.avante_ext_infinite_easing+')'; } //alert(animationCSS); $scope.css({ 'animation' : animationCSS, }); $scope.addClass(animationClass); } //End infinite animation extensions } }); //Start execute javascript for blog posts elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-blog-posts.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(function( $ ) { jQuery("img.lazy").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); 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jQuery(".layout-metro_masonry .blog-posts-metro").each(function(index) { setTimeout(function() { jQuery(".layout-metro_masonry .blog-posts-metro").eq(index).addClass("is-showing"); }, 100 * index); }); }); jQuery(".post-metro-left-wrapper img.lazy_masonry, .layout-metro_masonry img.lazy_masonry").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); jQuery(this).Lazy({ onFinishedAll: function() { grid.masonry({ itemSelector: ".blog-posts-metro", columnWidth: ".blog-posts-metro", gutter : 40 }); }, }); }); }); var menuLayout = jQuery('#pp_menu_layout').val(); if(menuLayout != 'leftmenu') { jQuery(".post-metro-left-wrapper").stick_in_parent({ offset_top: 120 }); } else { jQuery(".post-metro-left-wrapper").stick_in_parent({ offset_top: 40 }); } if(jQuery(window).width() < 768 || isTouchDevice()) { jQuery(".post-metro-left-wrapper").trigger("sticky_kit:detach"); } }); } ); //End execute javascript for blog posts //Start execute javascript for gallery grid elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-gallery-grid.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery("img.lazy").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); jQuery(this).Lazy({ onFinishedAll: function() { currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); currentImg.parent('.tg_gallery_lightbox').parent("").removeClass("lazy"); currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); } }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for gallery grid //Start execute javascript for gallery masonry elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-gallery-masonry.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(function( $ ) { jQuery("").each(function() { var grid = jQuery(this); var cols = grid.attr('data-cols'); if(!grid.hasClass('has-no-space')) { var gutter = 30; if(cols > 4) { gutter = 20; } } else { gutter = 0; } grid.imagesLoaded().progress( function() { grid.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item", gutter : gutter }); jQuery(" .gallery-grid-item").each(function(index) { setTimeout(function() { jQuery(".do-masonry .gallery-grid-item").eq(index).addClass("is-showing"); }, 100 * index); }); }); jQuery(" img.lazy_masonry").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); var cols = grid.attr('data-cols'); if(!grid.hasClass('has-no-space')) { var gutter = 40; if(cols > 4) { gutter = 30; } } else { gutter = 0; } jQuery(this).Lazy({ onFinishedAll: function() { grid.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item", gutter : gutter }); }, }); }); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for gallery masonry //Start execute javascript for gallery justified elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-gallery-justified.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(function( $ ) { jQuery("img.lazy").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); jQuery(this).Lazy({ onFinishedAll: function() { currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); } }); }); jQuery("").each(function() { var grid = jQuery(this); var rowHeight = grid.attr('data-row_height'); var margin = grid.attr('data-margin'); var justifyLastRow = grid.attr('data-justify_last_row'); var justifyLastRowStr = 'nojustify'; if(justifyLastRow == 'yes') { justifyLastRowStr = 'justify'; } grid.imagesLoaded().always( function() { grid.justifiedGallery({ rowHeight: rowHeight, margins: margin, lastRow: justifyLastRowStr }); }); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for gallery justified //Start execute javascript for gallery fullscreen elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-gallery-fullscreen.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(function( $ ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); var slideshow = jQuery('.fullscreen-gallery'); var autoPlay = slideshow.attr('data-autoplay'); var autoPlayArr = false; if (typeof autoPlay != "undefined"){ autoPlayArr = { delay: autoPlay }; } var effect = slideshow.attr('data-effect'); if (typeof effect == "undefined"){ effect = 'slide'; } var speed = slideshow.attr('data-speed'); if (typeof speed == "undefined"){ speed = 400; } var galleryTop = new Swiper('.fullscreen-gallery', { navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, spaceBetween: 0, keyboardControl: true, speed: parseInt(speed), loop: true, effect: effect, grabCursor: true, preloadImages: false, lazy: { loadPrevNext: true, }, autoplay: autoPlayArr }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for gallery fullscreen //Start execute javascript for vertical parallax elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-vertical-parallax.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(function( $ ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); var ticking = false; var isFirefox = /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent); var isIe = /MSIE/i.test(navigator.userAgent) || /Trident.*rv\:11\./i.test(navigator.userAgent); var scrollSensitivitySetting = 30; var slideDurationSetting =800; var currentSlideNumber = 0; var totalSlideNumber = jQuery('.parallax-slide-background').length; function parallaxScroll(evt) { if (isFirefox) { delta = evt.detail * -120; } else if (isIe) { delta = -evt.deltaY; } else { delta = evt.wheelDelta; } if (ticking != true) { if (delta <= -scrollSensitivitySetting) { ticking = true; if (currentSlideNumber !== totalSlideNumber - 1) { currentSlideNumber++; nextItem(); } slideDurationTimeout(slideDurationSetting); } if (delta >= scrollSensitivitySetting) { ticking = true; if (currentSlideNumber !== 0) { currentSlideNumber--; } previousItem(); slideDurationTimeout(slideDurationSetting); } } } function slideDurationTimeout(slideDuration) { setTimeout(function () { ticking = false; }, slideDuration); } var mousewheelEvent = isFirefox ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'wheel'; window.addEventListener(mousewheelEvent, parallaxScroll, false); function nextItem() { var $previousSlide = jQuery('.parallax-slide-background').eq(currentSlideNumber - 1); $previousSlide.css('transform', 'translate3d(0,-130vh,0)').find('.parallax-slide-content-wrapper').css('transform', 'translateY(40vh)'); currentSlideTransition(); } function previousItem() { var $previousSlide = jQuery('.parallax-slide-background').eq(currentSlideNumber + 1); $previousSlide.css('transform', 'translate3d(0,30vh,0)').find('.parallax-slide-content-wrapper').css('transform', 'translateY(30vh)'); currentSlideTransition(); } function currentSlideTransition() { var $currentSlide = jQuery('.parallax-slide-background').eq(currentSlideNumber); $currentSlide.css('transform', 'translate3d(0,-15vh,0)').find('.parallax-slide-content-wrapper').css('transform', 'translateY(15vh)'); ; } jQuery('body').on('touchmove', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); var ts; jQuery(document).bind('touchstart', function (e){ ts = e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY; }); jQuery(document).bind('touchend', function (e){ var te = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY; if(ts > te+5){ if (currentSlideNumber !== totalSlideNumber - 1) { currentSlideNumber++; nextItem(); } slideDurationTimeout(slideDurationSetting); }else if(ts < te-5){ if (currentSlideNumber !== 0) { currentSlideNumber--; } previousItem(); slideDurationTimeout(slideDurationSetting); } }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for gallery vertical parallax //Start execute javascript for gallery horizontal elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-gallery-horizontal.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('gallery-horizontal'); jQuery(".horizontal-gallery-wrapper").each(function() { var $carousel = jQuery(this); var timer = $carousel.attr('data-autoplay'); if(timer == 0) { timer = false; } var loop = $carousel.attr('data-loop'); var navigation = $carousel.attr('data-navigation'); if(navigation == 0) { navigation = false; } var pagination = $carousel.attr('data-pagination'); if(pagination == 0) { pagination = false; } $carousel.flickity({ percentPosition: false, imagesLoaded: true, selectedAttraction: 0.01, friction: 0.2, lazyLoad: 5, pauseAutoPlayOnHover: true, autoPlay: timer, contain: true, prevNextButtons: navigation, pageDots: pagination }); var parallax = $carousel.attr('data-parallax'); if(parallax == 1) { var $imgs = $carousel.find('.horizontal-gallery-cell img'); var docStyle =; var transformProp = typeof docStyle.transform == 'string' ? 'transform' : 'WebkitTransform'; var flkty = $'flickity'); $carousel.on( 'scroll.flickity', function() { flkty.slides.forEach( function( slide, i ) { var img = $imgs[i]; var x = ( + flkty.x ) * -1/3;[ transformProp ] = 'translateX(' + x + 'px)'; }); }); } var fullscreen = $carousel.attr('data-fullscreen'); if(fullscreen != 0) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); //Get menu element height var menuHeight = parseInt(jQuery('#wrapper').css('paddingTop')); var documentHeight = jQuery(window).innerHeight(); var sliderHeight = parseInt(documentHeight - menuHeight); $carousel.find('.horizontal-gallery-cell').css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); $carousel.find('.horizontal-gallery-cell-img').css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); $carousel.flickity('resize'); jQuery( window ).resize(function() { var menuHeight = parseInt(jQuery('#wrapper').css('paddingTop')); var documentHeight = jQuery(window).innerHeight(); var sliderHeight = parseInt(documentHeight - menuHeight); $carousel.find('.horizontal-gallery-cell').css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); $carousel.find('.horizontal-gallery-cell-img').css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); $carousel.flickity('resize'); }); } }); } ); //End execute javascript for gallery horizontal //Start execute javascript for slider horizontal elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-horizontal.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".horizontal-slider-wrapper").each(function() { var $carousel = jQuery(this); var timer = $carousel.attr('data-autoplay'); if(timer == 0) { timer = false; } var loop = $carousel.attr('data-loop'); var navigation = $carousel.attr('data-navigation'); if(navigation == 0) { navigation = false; } var pagination = $carousel.attr('data-pagination'); if(pagination == 0) { pagination = false; } $carousel.flickity({ percentPosition: false, imagesLoaded: true, pauseAutoPlayOnHover: true, autoPlay: timer, contain: true, prevNextButtons: navigation, pageDots: pagination }); var fullscreen = $carousel.attr('data-fullscreen'); if(fullscreen != 0) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); //Get menu element height var menuHeight = parseInt(jQuery('#wrapper').css('paddingTop')); var documentHeight = jQuery(window).innerHeight(); var sliderHeight = parseInt(documentHeight - menuHeight); $carousel.find('.horizontal-slider-cell').css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); $carousel.flickity('resize'); jQuery( window ).resize(function() { var menuHeight = parseInt(jQuery('#wrapper').css('paddingTop')); var documentHeight = jQuery(window).innerHeight(); var sliderHeight = parseInt(documentHeight - menuHeight); $carousel.find('.horizontal-slider-cell').css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); $carousel.flickity('resize'); }); } }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider horizontal //Start execute javascript for slider animated frame elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-animated-frame.default', function( $scope ) { function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; class Slideshow { constructor(el) { this.DOM = {}; this.DOM.el = el; this.settings = { animation: { slides: { duration: 600, easing: 'easeOutQuint' }, shape: { duration: 300, easing: {in: 'easeOutQuint', out: 'easeOutQuad'} } }, frameFill: slideshowFrameColor } this.init(); } init() { if(this.DOM.el) { this.DOM.slides = Array.from(this.DOM.el.querySelectorAll('.slides > .slide')); this.slidesTotal = this.DOM.slides.length; this.DOM.nav = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slidenav'); this.DOM.nextCtrl = this.DOM.nav.querySelector('.slidenav-item--next'); this.DOM.prevCtrl = this.DOM.nav.querySelector('.slidenav-item--prev'); this.current = 0; this.createFrame(); this.initEvents(); } } createFrame() { this.rect = this.DOM.el.getBoundingClientRect(); this.frameSize = this.rect.width/12; this.paths = { initial: this.calculatePath('initial'), final: this.calculatePath('final') }; this.DOM.svg = document.createElementNS('', 'svg'); this.DOM.svg.setAttribute('class', 'shape'); this.DOM.svg.setAttribute('width','100%'); this.DOM.svg.setAttribute('height','100%'); this.DOM.svg.setAttribute('viewbox',`0 0 ${this.rect.width} ${this.rect.height}`); this.DOM.svg.innerHTML = ``; this.DOM.el.insertBefore(this.DOM.svg, this.DOM.nav); this.DOM.shape = this.DOM.svg.querySelector('path'); } updateFrame() { this.paths.initial = this.calculatePath('initial'); = this.calculatePath('final'); this.DOM.svg.setAttribute('viewbox',`0 0 ${this.rect.width} ${this.rect.height}`); this.DOM.shape.setAttribute('d', this.isAnimating ? : this.paths.initial); } calculatePath(path = 'initial') { return path === 'initial' ? `M 0,0 0,${this.rect.height} ${this.rect.width},${this.rect.height} ${this.rect.width},0 0,0 Z M 0,0 ${this.rect.width},0 ${this.rect.width},${this.rect.height} 0,${this.rect.height} Z` : `M 0,0 0,${this.rect.height} ${this.rect.width},${this.rect.height} ${this.rect.width},0 0,0 Z M ${this.frameSize},${this.frameSize} ${this.rect.width-this.frameSize},${this.frameSize} ${this.rect.width-this.frameSize},${this.rect.height-this.frameSize} ${this.frameSize},${this.rect.height-this.frameSize} Z`; } initEvents() { this.DOM.nextCtrl.addEventListener('click', () => this.navigate('next')); this.DOM.prevCtrl.addEventListener('click', () => this.navigate('prev')); window.addEventListener('resize', debounce(() => { this.rect = this.DOM.el.getBoundingClientRect(); this.updateFrame(); }, 20)); document.addEventListener('keydown', (ev) => { const keyCode = ev.keyCode || ev.which; if ( keyCode === 37 ) { this.navigate('prev'); } else if ( keyCode === 39 ) { this.navigate('next'); } }); } navigate(dir = 'next') { if ( this.isAnimating ) return false; this.isAnimating = true; const animateShapeIn = anime({ targets: this.DOM.shape, duration: this.settings.animation.shape.duration, easing:, d: }); const animateSlides = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const currentSlide = this.DOM.slides[this.current]; anime({ targets: currentSlide, duration: this.settings.animation.slides.duration, easing: this.settings.animation.slides.easing, translateX: dir === 'next' ? -1*this.rect.width : this.rect.width, complete: () => { currentSlide.classList.remove('slide-current'); resolve(); } }); this.current = dir === 'next' ? this.current < this.slidesTotal-1 ? this.current + 1 : 0 : this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.slidesTotal-1; const newSlide = this.DOM.slides[this.current]; newSlide.classList.add('slide-current'); anime({ targets: newSlide, duration: this.settings.animation.slides.duration, easing: this.settings.animation.slides.easing, translateX: [dir === 'next' ? this.rect.width : -1*this.rect.width,0] }); const newSlideImg = newSlide.querySelector('.slide-img'); anime.remove(newSlideImg); anime({ targets: newSlideImg, duration: this.settings.animation.slides.duration*4, easing: this.settings.animation.slides.easing, translateX: [dir === 'next' ? 200 : -200, 0] }); anime({ targets: [newSlide.querySelector('.slide-title'), newSlide.querySelector('.slide-desc'), newSlide.querySelector('.slide-link')], duration: this.settings.animation.slides.duration*2, easing: this.settings.animation.slides.easing, delay: (t,i) => i*100+100, translateX: [dir === 'next' ? 300 : -300,0], opacity: [0,1] }); }); }; const animateShapeOut = () => { anime({ targets: this.DOM.shape, duration: this.settings.animation.shape.duration, delay: 150, easing: this.settings.animation.shape.easing.out, d: this.paths.initial, complete: () => this.isAnimating = false }); } animateShapeIn.finished.then(animateSlides).then(animateShapeOut); } }; var slideshow = document.querySelector('.slideshow'); if(slideshow) { var slideshowFrameColor = slideshow.getAttribute('data-background'); new Slideshow(slideshow); imagesLoaded('.slide-img', { background: true }); } } ); //End execute javascript for slider animated frame //Start execute javascript for slider 3d room elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-room.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); jQuery('body').addClass('room'); function debounce(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; function getMousePos(e) { var posx = 0; var posy = 0; if (!e) var e = window.event; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { posx = e.pageX; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } return { x : posx, y : posy } } var DOM = {}; // The loader. DOM.loader = document.querySelector('.room-slider-wrapper .overlay--loader'); // The room wrapper. This will be the element to be transformed in order to move around. DOM.scroller = document.querySelector('.room-slider-wrapper .container > .scroller'); // The rooms. if (DOM.scroller) { DOM.rooms = []'.room')); } else { DOM.rooms = {}; } // The content wrapper. DOM.content = document.querySelector('.room-slider-wrapper .content'); if (DOM.content) { // Rooms navigation controls. DOM.nav = { leftCtrl : DOM.content.querySelector('.room-slider-wrapper nav > .btn--nav-left'), rightCtrl : DOM.content.querySelector('.room-slider-wrapper nav > .btn--nav-right') }; // Content slides. DOM.slides = []'.slides > .slide')); } var currentRoom = 0, // Total number of rooms. totalRooms = DOM.rooms.length, // Initial transform. initTransform = { translateX : 0, translateY : 0, translateZ : '500px', rotateX : 0, rotateY : 0, rotateZ : 0 }, // Reset transform. resetTransform = { translateX : 0, translateY : 0, translateZ : 0, rotateX : 0, rotateY : 0, rotateZ : 0 }, // View from top. menuTransform = { translateX : 0, translateY : '150%', translateZ : 0, rotateX : '15deg', rotateY : 0, rotateZ : 0 }, menuTransform = { translateX : 0, translateY : '50%', translateZ : 0, rotateX : '-10deg', rotateY : 0, rotateZ : 0 }, // Info view transform. infoTransform = { translateX : 0, translateY : 0, translateZ : '200px', rotateX : '2deg', rotateY : 0, rotateZ : '4deg' }, // Room initial moving transition. initTransition = { speed: '0.9s', easing: 'ease' }, // Room moving transition. roomTransition = { speed: '0.4s', easing: 'ease' }, // View from top transition. menuTransition = { speed: '1.5s', easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.2,1,0.3,1)' }, // Info transition. infoTransition = { speed: '15s', easing: 'cubic-bezier(0.3,1,0.3,1)' }, // Tilt transition tiltTransition = { speed: '0.2s', easing: 'ease-out' }, tilt = false, // How much to rotate when the mouse moves. tiltRotation = { rotateX : 1, // a relative rotation of -1deg to 1deg on the x-axis rotateY : -3 // a relative rotation of -3deg to 3deg on the y-axis }, // Transition end event handler. onEndTransition = function(el, callback) { var onEndCallbackFn = function(ev) { this.removeEventListener('transitionend', onEndCallbackFn); if( callback && typeof callback === 'function' ) {; } }; el.addEventListener('transitionend', onEndCallbackFn); }, // Window sizes. win = {width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight}, // Check if moving inside the room and check if navigating. isMoving, isNavigating; function init() { // Move into the current room. move({transition: initTransition, transform: initTransform}).then(function() { initTilt(); }); // Animate the current slide in. showSlide(100); // Init/Bind events. initEvents(); } function initTilt() { applyRoomTransition(tiltTransition); tilt = true; } function removeTilt() { tilt = false; } function move(opts) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if( isMoving && !opts.stopTransition ) { return false; } isMoving = true; if( opts.transition ) { applyRoomTransition(opts.transition); } if( opts.transform ) { applyRoomTransform(opts.transform); var onEndFn = function() { isMoving = false; resolve(); }; onEndTransition(DOM.scroller, onEndFn); } else { resolve(); } }); } function initEvents() { // Mousemove event / Tilt functionality. var onMouseMoveFn = function(ev) { requestAnimationFrame(function() { if( !tilt ) return false; var mousepos = getMousePos(ev), // transform values rotX = tiltRotation.rotateX ? initTransform.rotateX - (2 * tiltRotation.rotateX / win.height * mousepos.y - tiltRotation.rotateX) : 0, rotY = tiltRotation.rotateY ? initTransform.rotateY - (2 * tiltRotation.rotateY / win.width * mousepos.x - tiltRotation.rotateY) : 0; // apply transform applyRoomTransform({ 'translateX' : initTransform.translateX, 'translateY' : initTransform.translateY, 'translateZ' : initTransform.translateZ, 'rotateX' : rotX + 'deg', 'rotateY' : rotY + 'deg', 'rotateZ' : initTransform.rotateZ }); }); }, // Window resize. debounceResizeFn = debounce(function() { win = {width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight}; }, 10); document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMoveFn); window.addEventListener('resize', debounceResizeFn); // Room navigation. var onNavigatePrevFn = function() { navigate('prev'); }, onNavigateNextFn = function() { navigate('next'); }; if(DOM.nav.leftCtrl && DOM.nav.rightCtrl) { DOM.nav.leftCtrl.addEventListener('click', onNavigatePrevFn); DOM.nav.rightCtrl.addEventListener('click', onNavigateNextFn); } } function applyRoomTransform(transform) { = 'translate3d(' + transform.translateX + ', ' + transform.translateY + ', ' + transform.translateZ + ') ' + 'rotate3d(1,0,0,' + transform.rotateX + ') rotate3d(0,1,0,' + transform.rotateY + ') rotate3d(0,0,1,' + transform.rotateZ + ')'; } function applyRoomTransition(transition) { = transition === 'none' ? transition : 'transform ' + transition.speed + ' ' + transition.easing; } function toggleSlide(dir, delay) { var slide = DOM.slides[currentRoom], // Slide's name. name = slide.querySelector('.slide-name'), // Slide's title and date elements. title = slide.querySelector('.slide-title'), date = slide.querySelector('.slide-date'); delay = delay !== undefined ? delay : 0; anime.remove([name, title, date]); var animeOpts = { targets: [name, title, date], duration: dir === 'in' ? 400 : 400, //delay: 0,//dir === 'in' ? 150 : 0, delay: function(t, i, c) { return delay + 75+i*75; }, easing: [0.25,0.1,0.25,1], opacity: { value: dir === 'in' ? [0,1] : [1,0], duration: dir === 'in' ? 550 : 250 }, translateY: function(t, i) { return dir === 'in' ? [150,0] : [0,-150]; } }; if( dir === 'in' ) { animeOpts.begin = function() { slide.classList.add('slide-current'); }; } else { animeOpts.complete = function() { slide.classList.remove('slide-current'); }; } anime(animeOpts); } function showSlide(delay) { toggleSlide('in', delay); } function hideSlide(delay) { toggleSlide('out', delay); } function navigate(dir) { if( isMoving || isNavigating ) { return false; } isNavigating = true; var room = DOM.rooms[currentRoom]; // Remove tilt. removeTilt(); // Animate the current slide out - animate the name, title and date elements. hideSlide(); // Update currentRoom. if( dir === 'next' ) { currentRoom = currentRoom < totalRooms - 1 ? currentRoom + 1 : 0; } else { currentRoom = currentRoom > 0 ? currentRoom - 1 : totalRooms - 1; } // Position the next room. var nextRoom = DOM.rooms[currentRoom]; = 'translate3d(' + (dir === 'next' ? 100 : -100) + '%,0,0) translate3d(' + (dir === 'next' ? 1 : -1) + 'px,0,0)' ; = 1; // Move back. move({transition: roomTransition, transform: resetTransform}) .then(function() { // Move left or right. return move({transform: { translateX : (dir === 'next' ? -100 : 100) + '%', translateY : 0, translateZ : 0, rotateX : 0, rotateY : 0, rotateZ : 0 }}); }) .then(function() { // Update current room class. nextRoom.classList.add('room--current'); room.classList.remove('room--current'); = 0; // Show the next slide. showSlide(); // Move into room. // Update final transform state: return move({transform: { translateX : (dir === 'next' ? -100 : 100) + '%', translateY : 0, translateZ : '500px', rotateX : 0, rotateY : 0, rotateZ : 0 }}); }) .then(function() { // Reset positions. applyRoomTransition('none'); = 'translate3d(0,0,0)'; applyRoomTransform(initTransform); setTimeout(function() { initTilt(); }, 60); isNavigating = false; }); } function addAdjacentRooms() { // Current room. var room = DOM.rooms[currentRoom], // Adjacent rooms. nextRoom = DOM.rooms[currentRoom < totalRooms - 1 ? currentRoom + 1 : 0], prevRoom = DOM.rooms[currentRoom > 0 ? currentRoom - 1 : totalRooms - 1]; // Position the adjacent rooms. = 'translate3d(100%,0,0) translate3d(3px,0,0)'; = 1; = 'translate3d(-100%,0,0) translate3d(-3px,0,0)'; = 1; } function removeAdjacentRooms() { // Current room. var room = DOM.rooms[currentRoom], // Adjacent rooms. nextRoom = DOM.rooms[currentRoom < totalRooms - 1 ? currentRoom + 1 : 0], prevRoom = DOM.rooms[currentRoom > 0 ? currentRoom - 1 : totalRooms - 1]; // Position the adjacent rooms. = 'none'; = 0; = 'none'; = 0; } // Preload all the images. if(DOM.scroller) { imagesLoaded(DOM.scroller, function() { var extradelay = 1000; // Slide out loader. anime({ targets: DOM.loader, duration: 600, easing: 'easeInOutCubic', delay: extradelay, translateY: '-100%', begin: function() { init(); }, complete: function() { DOM.loader.classList.remove('overlay--active'); } }); }); } } ); //End execute javascript for slider 3d room //Start execute javascript for slider multi layouts elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-multi-layouts.default', function( $scope ) { document.documentElement.className = 'js'; var slideshow = new MLSlideshow(document.querySelector('.slideshow')); if(document.querySelector('#next-slide')) { document.querySelector('#next-slide').addEventListener('click', function() {; }); } if(document.querySelector('#prev-slide')) { document.querySelector('#prev-slide').addEventListener('click', function() { slideshow.prev(); }); } } ); //End execute javascript for slider multi layouts //Start execute javascript for slider velo elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-velo.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); /** * Velocity Effects * * First, A few Registered effects for velocity's ui kit. * Actual slider stuff below */ var scaleDownAmnt = 0.7; var boxShadowAmnt = '40px'; $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("translateUp", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '-100%' }, 1] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("translateDown", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '100%' }, 1] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("translateNone", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '0', opacity: '1', scale: '1', }, 1] ] }); //scale down $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleDown", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ opacity: '0', scale: '0.7', }, 1] ] }); //gallery $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleDown.moveUp", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '0%', scale: scaleDownAmnt, }, 0.20], [{ translateY: '-100%' }, 0.60], [{ translateY: '-100%', scale: '1', // boxShadowBlur: '0' }, 0.20] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleDown.moveUp.scroll", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '-100%', scale: scaleDownAmnt, }, 0.60], [{ translateY: '-100%', scale: '1', // boxShadowBlur: '0' }, 0.40] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleUp.moveUp", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '90%', scale: scaleDownAmnt, // boxShadowBlur: boxShadowAmnt }, 0.20], [{ translateY: '0%' }, 0.60], [{ translateY: '0%', scale: '1', // boxShadowBlur: '0' }, 0.20] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleUp.moveUp.scroll", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '0%', scale: scaleDownAmnt, // boxShadowBlur: boxShadowAmnt }, 0.60], [{ translateY: '0%', scale: '1', // boxShadowBlur: '0' }, 0.40] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleDown.moveDown", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '0%', scale: scaleDownAmnt, // boxShadowBlur: boxShadowAmnt }, 0.20], [{ translateY: '100%' }, 0.60], [{ translateY: '100%', scale: '1', // boxShadowBlur: '0' }, 0.20] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleDown.moveDown.scroll", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ }, 0.60], [{ translateY: '100%', scale: '1', // boxShadowBlur: '0' }, 0.40] ] }); $.Velocity.RegisterEffect("scaleUp.moveDown", { defaultDuration: 1, calls: [ [{ translateY: '-90%', scale: scaleDownAmnt, // boxShadowBlur: boxShadowAmnt }, 0.20], [{ translateY: '0%' }, 0.60], [{ translateY: '0%', scale: '1', // boxShadowBlur: '0' }, 0.20] ] }); /** * Velo Slider * A Custom Slider using Velocity and Velocity UI effects */ var VeloSlider = (function() { /** * Global Settings */ var settings = { veloInit: $('.velo-slides').data('velo-slider'), $veloSlide: $('.velo-slide'), veloSlideBg: '.velo-slide-bg', navPrev: $('.velo-slides-nav').find('a.js-velo-slides-prev'), navNext: $('.velo-slides-nav').find('a.js-velo-slides-next'), veloBtn: $('.velo-slide-btn'), delta: 0, scrollThreshold: 7, currentSlide: 1, animating: false, animationDuration: 2000 }; // Flags var delta = 0, animating = false; return { /** * Init */ init: function() { this.bind(); }, /** * Bind our click, scroll, key events */ bind: function(){ // Add active to first slide to set it off settings.$veloSlide.first().addClass('is-active'); // Init with a data attribute, // Binding the animation to scroll, arrows, keys if (settings.veloInit == 'on') { VeloSlider.initScrollJack(); $(window).on('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', VeloSlider.scrollJacking); } // Arrow / Click Nav settings.navPrev.on('click', VeloSlider.prevSlide); settings.navNext.on('click', VeloSlider.nextSlide); // Key Nav $(document).on('keydown', function(e) { var keyNext = (e.which == 39 || e.which == 40), keyPrev = (e.which == 37 || e.which == 38); if (keyNext && !settings.navNext.hasClass('inactive')) { e.preventDefault(); VeloSlider.nextSlide(); } else if (keyPrev && (!settings.navPrev.hasClass('inactive'))) { e.preventDefault(); VeloSlider.prevSlide(); } }); jQuery('body').on('touchmove', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); var ts; jQuery(document).bind('touchstart', function (e){ ts = e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY; }); jQuery(document).bind('touchend', function (e){ var te = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY; if(ts > te+5){ VeloSlider.nextSlide(); }else if(ts < te-5){ VeloSlider.prevSlide(); } }); //set navigation arrows visibility VeloSlider.checkNavigation(); // Call Button Hover animation VeloSlider.hoverAnimation(); }, /** * Hover Animation * Adds 'is-hovering' class to the current slide * when hovering over the button. */ hoverAnimation: function(){ settings.veloBtn.hover(function (){ $(this).closest(settings.$veloSlide).toggleClass('is-hovering'); }); }, /** * Set Animation * Defines the animation sequence, calling our registered velocity effects * @see js/components/_velocity-effects.js */ setAnimation: function(midStep, direction) { // Vars for our velocity effects var animationVisible = 'translateNone', animationTop = 'translateUp', animationBottom = 'translateDown', easing = 'ease', animDuration = settings.animationDuration; // Middle Step if (midStep) { animationVisible = 'scaleUp.moveUp.scroll'; animationTop = 'scaleDown.moveUp.scroll'; animationBottom = 'scaleDown.moveDown.scroll'; } else { animationVisible = (direction == 'next') ? 'scaleUp.moveUp' : 'scaleUp.moveDown'; animationTop = 'scaleDown.moveUp'; animationBottom = 'scaleDown.moveDown'; } return [animationVisible, animationTop, animationBottom, animDuration, easing]; }, /** * Init Scroll Jaclk */ initScrollJack: function() { var visibleSlide = settings.$veloSlide.filter('.is-active'), topSection = visibleSlide.prevAll(settings.$veloSlide), bottomSection = visibleSlide.nextAll(settings.$veloSlide), animationParams = VeloSlider.setAnimation(false), animationVisible = animationParams[0], animationTop = animationParams[1], animationBottom = animationParams[2]; visibleSlide.children('div').velocity(animationVisible, 1, function() { visibleSlide.css('opacity', 1); topSection.css('opacity', 1); bottomSection.css('opacity', 1); }); topSection.children('div').velocity(animationTop, 0); bottomSection.children('div').velocity(animationBottom, 0); }, /** * Scroll Jack * On Mouse Scroll */ scrollJacking: function(e) { if(!jQuery('body').hasClass('js_nav')) { if (e.originalEvent.detail < 0 || e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0) { delta--; (Math.abs(delta) >= settings.scrollThreshold) && VeloSlider.prevSlide(); } else { delta++; (delta >= settings.scrollThreshold) && VeloSlider.nextSlide(); } return false; } }, /** * Previous Slide */ prevSlide: function(e) { //go to previous section typeof e !== 'undefined' && e.preventDefault(); var visibleSlide = settings.$veloSlide.filter('.is-active'), animationParams = VeloSlider.setAnimation(midStep, 'prev'), midStep = false; visibleSlide = midStep ?$veloSlide) : visibleSlide; if (!animating && !":first-child")) { animating = true; visibleSlide .removeClass('is-active') .children(settings.veloSlideBg) .velocity(animationParams[2], animationParams[3], animationParams[4]) .end() .prev(settings.$veloSlide) .addClass('is-active') .children(settings.veloSlideBg) .velocity(animationParams[0], animationParams[3], animationParams[4], function() { animating = false; }); currentSlide = settings.currentSlide - 1; } VeloSlider.resetScroll(); }, /** * Next Slide */ nextSlide: function(e) { //go to next section typeof e !== 'undefined' && e.preventDefault(); var visibleSlide = settings.$veloSlide.filter('.is-active'), animationParams = VeloSlider.setAnimation(midStep, 'next'), midStep = false; if (!animating && !":last-of-type")) { animating = true; visibleSlide.removeClass('is-active') .children(settings.veloSlideBg) .velocity(animationParams[1], animationParams[3]) .end() .next(settings.$veloSlide) .addClass('is-active') .children(settings.veloSlideBg) .velocity(animationParams[0], animationParams[3], function() { animating = false; }); currentSlide = settings.currentSlide + 1; } VeloSlider.resetScroll(); }, /** * Reset SCroll */ resetScroll: function() { delta = 0; VeloSlider.checkNavigation(); }, /** * Check Nav * Adds / hides nav based on first/last slide * @todo - loop slides, without cloning if possible */ checkNavigation: function() { //update navigation arrows visibility (settings.$veloSlide.filter('.is-active').is(':first-of-type')) ? settings.navPrev.addClass('inactive'): settings.navPrev.removeClass('inactive'); (settings.$veloSlide.filter('.is-active').is(':last-of-type')) ? settings.navNext.addClass('inactive'): settings.navNext.removeClass('inactive'); }, }; })(); // INIT VeloSlider.init(); } ); //End execute javascript for slider velo //Start execute javascript for slider popout elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-popout.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); function goToSlide(number){ $('.slider-slide').removeClass('slider-slide--active'); $('.slider-slide[data-slide='+number+']').addClass('slider-slide--active'); } $('.slider__next, .go-to-next').on('click', function(){ var currentSlide = Number($('.slider-slide--active').data('slide')); var totalSlides = $('.slider-slide').length; currentSlide++ if (currentSlide > totalSlides){ currentSlide = 1; } goToSlide(currentSlide); }); for (var i=1; i <= $('.slider-slide').length; i++){ $('.slider__indicators').append('
') } setTimeout(function(){ $('.slider-wrap').addClass('slider-wrap--hacked'); }, 1000); } ); //End execute javascript for slider popout //Start execute javascript for slider clip path elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-clip-path.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); (function() { var $slides = document.querySelectorAll('.slide'); var $controls = document.querySelectorAll('.slider-control'); var numOfSlides = $slides.length; var slidingAT = 1300; // sync this with scss variable var slidingBlocked = false; []$slides).forEach(function($el, index) { var i = index + 1; $el.classList.add('slide-' + i); $el.dataset.slide = i; }); []$controls).forEach(function($el) { $el.addEventListener('click', controlClickHandler); }); function controlClickHandler() { if (slidingBlocked) return; slidingBlocked = true; var $control = this; var isRight = $control.classList.contains('m--right'); var $curActive = document.querySelector('.slide.s--active'); var index = +$curActive.dataset.slide; (isRight) ? index++ : index--; if (index < 1) index = numOfSlides; if (index > numOfSlides) index = 1; var $newActive = document.querySelector('.slide-' + index); $control.classList.add('a--rotation'); $curActive.classList.remove('s--active', 's--active-prev'); document.querySelector('.slide.s--prev').classList.remove('s--prev'); $newActive.classList.add('s--active'); if (!isRight) $newActive.classList.add('s--active-prev'); var prevIndex = index - 1; if (prevIndex < 1) prevIndex = numOfSlides; document.querySelector('.slide-' + prevIndex).classList.add('s--prev'); setTimeout(function() { $control.classList.remove('a--rotation'); slidingBlocked = false; }, slidingAT*0.75); }; }()); } ); //End execute javascript for slider clip path //Start execute javascript for gallery preview elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-gallery-preview.default', function( $scope ) { //jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); //jQuery('body').addClass('avante-gallery-preview'); var $slider = $('.slider'); var $slickTrack = $('.slick-track'); var $slickCurrent = $('.slick-current'); var slideDuration = 900; //RESET ANIMATIONS // On init slide change $slider.on('init', function(slick){$('.slick-track'), 0.9, { marginLeft: 0 });$('.slick-active'), 0.9, { x: 0, zIndex: 2 }); }); // On before slide change $slider.on('beforeChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide){$('.slick-track'), 0.9, { marginLeft: 0 });$('.slick-active'), 0.9, { x: 0 }); }); // On after slide change $slider.on('afterChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide){$('.slick-track'), 0.9, { marginLeft: 0 }); $('.slick-slide').css('z-index','1');$('.slick-active'), 0.9, { x: 0, zIndex: 2 }); }); var $sliderPagination = $('.slider').attr('data-pagination'); var dotsVar = false; if($sliderPagination == 'yes') { dotsVar = true; } var $sliderNavigation = $('.slider').attr('data-navigation'); var arrowsVar = false; if($sliderNavigation == 'yes') { arrowsVar = true; } var $sliderAutoPlay = $('.slider').attr('data-autoplay'); var autoPlayVar = true; var autoPlayTimeVar = 8000; if (typeof $sliderAutoPlay != "undefined"){ console.log("test"); autoPlayVar = true; autoPlayTimeVar = $sliderAutoPlay; } console.log("test 2222"); //SLICK INIT $slider.slick({ speed: slideDuration, touchMove: true, dots: dotsVar, arrows: arrowsVar, waitForAnimate: true, useTransform: true, autoplay: true, autoplaySpeed: 3000, cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.455, 0.030, 0.130, 1.000)' }) //PREV $('.slick-prev').on('mouseenter', function(){$('.slick-track'), 0.6, { marginLeft: "180px", ease: Quad.easeOut });$('.slick-current'), 0.6, { x: -100, ease: Quad.easeOut }); }); $('.slick-prev').on('mouseleave', function(){$('.slick-track'), 0.4, { marginLeft: 0, ease: Sine.easeInOut });$('.slick-current'), 0.4, { x: 0, ease: Sine.easeInOut }); }); //NEXT $('.slick-next').on('mouseenter', function(){$('.slick-track'), 0.6, { marginLeft: "-180px", ease: Quad.easeOut });$('.slick-current'), 0.6, { x: 100, ease: Quad.easeOut }); }); $('.slick-next').on('mouseleave', function(){$('.slick-track'), 0.4, { marginLeft: 0, ease: Quad.easeInOut });$('.slick-current'), 0.4, { x: 0, ease: Quad.easeInOut }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for gallery preview //Start execute javascript for slider split slick elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-split-slick.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); var $slider = $('.slideshow .slider'), maxItems = $('.item', $slider).length, dragging = false, tracking, rightTracking; $sliderRight = $('.slideshow').clone().addClass('slideshow-right').appendTo($('.split-slideshow')); rightItems = $('.item', $sliderRight).toArray(); reverseItems = rightItems.reverse(); $('.slider', $sliderRight).html(''); for (i = 0; i < maxItems; i++) { $(reverseItems[i]).appendTo($('.slider', $sliderRight)); } $slider.addClass('slideshow-left'); $('.slideshow-left').slick({ vertical: true, verticalSwiping: true, arrows: false, infinite: true, dots: true, speed: 1000, cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 0.3, 1)' }).on('beforeChange', function(event, slick, currentSlide, nextSlide) { if (currentSlide > nextSlide && nextSlide == 0 && currentSlide == maxItems - 1) { $('.slideshow-right .slider').slick('slickGoTo', -1); $('.slideshow-text').slick('slickGoTo', maxItems); } else if (currentSlide < nextSlide && currentSlide == 0 && nextSlide == maxItems - 1) { $('.slideshow-right .slider').slick('slickGoTo', maxItems); $('.slideshow-text').slick('slickGoTo', -1); } else { $('.slideshow-right .slider').slick('slickGoTo', maxItems - 1 - nextSlide); $('.slideshow-text').slick('slickGoTo', nextSlide); } }).on("mousewheel", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (event.deltaX > 0 || event.deltaY < 0) { $(this).slick('slickNext'); } else if (event.deltaX < 0 || event.deltaY > 0) { $(this).slick('slickPrev'); }; }).on('mousedown touchstart', function(){ dragging = true; tracking = $('.slick-track', $slider).css('transform'); tracking = parseInt(tracking.split(',')[5]); rightTracking = $('.slideshow-right .slick-track').css('transform'); rightTracking = parseInt(rightTracking.split(',')[5]); }).on('mousemove touchmove', function(){ if (dragging) { newTracking = $('.slideshow-left .slick-track').css('transform'); newTracking = parseInt(newTracking.split(',')[5]); diffTracking = newTracking - tracking; $('.slideshow-right .slick-track').css({'transform': 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, ' + (rightTracking - diffTracking) + ')'}); } }).on('mouseleave touchend mouseup', function(){ dragging = false; }); $('.slideshow-right .slider').slick({ swipe: false, vertical: true, arrows: false, infinite: true, speed: 950, cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 0.3, 1)', initialSlide: maxItems - 1 }); $('.slideshow-text').slick({ swipe: false, vertical: true, arrows: false, infinite: true, speed: 900, cssEase: 'cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 0.3, 1)' }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider split slick //Start execute javascript for slider transitions elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-transitions.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); var mySwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container", { direction: "vertical", loop: true, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', type: 'bullets', clickable: true }, keyboard: { enabled: true, onlyInViewport: false, }, grabCursor: true, speed: 1000, paginationClickable: true, parallax: true, autoplay: false, effect: "slide", mousewheel: { invert: false, }, }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider transitions //Start execute javascript for slider property clip elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-property-clip.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".slider-property-clip-wrapper").each(function() { var slider = jQuery(this).find(".slider"), slides = slider.find('li'), nav = slider.find('nav'); slides.eq(0).addClass('current'); nav.children('a').eq(0).addClass('current-dot'); nav.on('click', 'a', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); $(this).addClass('current-dot').siblings().removeClass('current-dot'); slides.eq($(this).index()).addClass('current').removeClass('prev').siblings().removeClass('current'); slides.eq($(this).index()).prevAll().addClass('prev'); slides.eq($(this).index()).nextAll().removeClass('prev'); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider property clip //Start execute javascript for slider slice elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-slice.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".slice-slide-container").each(function() { var slide = jQuery('.slide'); var navPrev = jQuery('.js-prev'); var navNext = jQuery('.js-next'); var SliceSlider = { /** * Settings Object */ settings: { delta: 0, currentSlideIndex: 0, scrollThreshold: 40, slides: slide, numSlides: slide.length, navPrev: navPrev, navNext: navNext, }, /** * Init */ init: function() { s = this.settings; this.bindEvents(); }, /** * Bind our click, scroll, key events */ bindEvents: function(){ // Scrollwheel & trackpad /*s.slides.on({ 'DOMMouseScroll mousewheel' : SliceSlider.handleScroll });*/ // On click prev s.navPrev.on({ 'click' : SliceSlider.prevSlide }); // On click next s.navNext.on({ 'click' : SliceSlider.nextSlide }); // On Arrow keys $(document).keyup(function(e) { // Left or back arrows if ((e.which === 37) || (e.which === 38)){ SliceSlider.prevSlide(); } // Down or right if ((e.which === 39) || (e.which === 40)) { SliceSlider.nextSlide(); } }); }, /** * Interept scroll direction */ handleScroll: function(e){ // Scrolling up if (e.originalEvent.detail < 0 || e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0) {; if ( Math.abs( >= s.scrollThreshold) { SliceSlider.prevSlide(); } } // Scrolling Down else {; if ( >= s.scrollThreshold) { SliceSlider.nextSlide(); } } // Prevent page from scrolling return false; }, /** * Show Slide */ showSlide: function(){ // reset = 0; // Bail if we're already sliding if ($('body').hasClass('is-sliding')){ return; } // Loop through our slides s.slides.each(function(i, slide) { // Toggle the is-active class to show slide $(slide).toggleClass('is-active', (i === s.currentSlideIndex)); $(slide).toggleClass('is-prev', (i === s.currentSlideIndex - 1)); $(slide).toggleClass('is-next', (i === s.currentSlideIndex + 1)); // Add and remove is-sliding class $('body').addClass('is-sliding'); setTimeout(function(){ $('body').removeClass('is-sliding'); }, 1000); }); }, /** * Previous Slide */ prevSlide: function(){ // If on first slide, loop to last if (s.currentSlideIndex <= 0) { s.currentSlideIndex = s.numSlides; } s.currentSlideIndex--; SliceSlider.showSlide(); }, /** * Next Slide */ nextSlide: function(){ s.currentSlideIndex++; // If on last slide, loop to first if (s.currentSlideIndex >= s.numSlides) { s.currentSlideIndex = 0; } SliceSlider.showSlide(); }, }; SliceSlider.init(); }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider slice //Start execute javascript for slider flip elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-flip.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-overflow'); var Gallery = (function() { var scrollTimeId; var posLeft = 0; function Gallery(config) { this.list = $(config.list); this.items = this.list.find('li'); this.itemWidth = this.items.outerWidth(); }; Gallery.prototype = { constructor: Gallery, init: function() { this.setGalleryWidth(); this.eventManager(); return this; }, eventManager: function() { var _this = this; $("html, body").on('mousewheel', function(event) { clearTimeout(scrollTimeId); scrollTimeId = setTimeout(onScrollEventHandler.bind(this, event, _this.itemWidth), 0); }); }, setGalleryWidth: function() { this.list.css('width', this.getGalleryWidth()); this.list.css('overflow', 'scroll'); }, getGalleryWidth: function() { var width = 0; this.items.each(function(index, item) { width += $(this).outerWidth(); }); return width; } }; function onScrollEventHandler(event, width) { if (event.deltaY > 0) { this.scrollLeft -= width / 20; } else { this.scrollLeft += width / 20; } event.preventDefault(); }; return Gallery; })(); $(document).ready(function() { var gallery = new Gallery({ list: '.flip-slide-container .container .gallery' }).init(); jQuery('.flip-slide-container').css('overflow', 'scroll'); jQuery('body').css('overflow', 'scroll'); }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider flip //Start execute javascript for slider split carousel elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-split-carousel.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".split-carousel-slider-wrapper").each(function() { var $carousel = jQuery(this); var fullscreen = $carousel.attr('data-fullscreen'); if(fullscreen != 0) { jQuery('body').addClass('elementor-fullscreen'); //Get menu element height var menuHeight = parseInt(jQuery('#wrapper').css('paddingTop')); var documentHeight = jQuery(window).innerHeight(); var sliderHeight = parseInt(documentHeight - menuHeight); $carousel.css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); jQuery( window ).resize(function() { var menuHeight = parseInt(jQuery('#wrapper').css('paddingTop')); var documentHeight = jQuery(window).innerHeight(); var sliderHeight = parseInt(documentHeight - menuHeight); $carousel.css('height', sliderHeight+'px'); }); } var activeIndex = 0; var limit = 0; var disabled = false; var $stage = void 0; var $controls = void 0; var canvas = false; var SPIN_FORWARD_CLASS = 'js-spin-fwd'; var SPIN_BACKWARD_CLASS = 'js-spin-bwd'; var DISABLE_TRANSITIONS_CLASS = 'js-transitions-disabled'; var SPIN_DUR = 1000; var appendControls = function appendControls() { for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) { $('.carousel-control').append(''); } var height = $('.carousel-control').children().last().outerHeight(); $('.carousel-control').css('height', 30 + limit * height); $controls = $('.carousel-control').children(); $controls.eq(activeIndex).addClass('active'); }; var setIndexes = function setIndexes() { $('.spinner').children().each(function (i, el) { $(el).attr('data-index', i); limit++; }); }; var duplicateSpinner = function duplicateSpinner() { var $el = $('.spinner').parent(); var html = $('.spinner').parent().html(); $el.append(html); $('.spinner').last().addClass('spinner--right'); $('.spinner--right').removeClass('spinner--left'); }; var paintFaces = function paintFaces() { $('.spinner-face').each(function (i, el) { var $el = $(el); var color = $(el).attr('data-bg'); $el.children().css('backgroundImage', 'url(' + getBase64PixelByColor(color) + ')'); }); }; var getBase64PixelByColor = function getBase64PixelByColor(hex) { if (!canvas) { canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.height = 1; canvas.width = 1; } if (canvas.getContext) { var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = hex; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1); return canvas.toDataURL(); } return false; }; var prepareDom = function prepareDom() { setIndexes(); paintFaces(); duplicateSpinner(); appendControls(); }; var spin = function spin() { var inc = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1; if (disabled) return; if (!inc) return; activeIndex += inc; disabled = true; if (activeIndex >= limit) { activeIndex = 0; } if (activeIndex < 0) { activeIndex = limit - 1; } var $activeEls = $('.spinner-face.js-active'); var $nextEls = $('.spinner-face[data-index=' + activeIndex + ']'); $nextEls.addClass('js-next'); if (inc > 0) { $stage.addClass(SPIN_FORWARD_CLASS); } else { $stage.addClass(SPIN_BACKWARD_CLASS); } $controls.removeClass('active'); $controls.eq(activeIndex).addClass('active'); setTimeout(function () { spinCallback(inc); }, SPIN_DUR, inc); }; var spinCallback = function spinCallback(inc) { $('.js-active').removeClass('js-active'); $('.js-next').removeClass('js-next').addClass('js-active'); $stage.addClass(DISABLE_TRANSITIONS_CLASS).removeClass(SPIN_FORWARD_CLASS).removeClass(SPIN_BACKWARD_CLASS); $('.js-active').each(function (i, el) { var $el = $(el); $el.prependTo($el.parent()); }); setTimeout(function () { $stage.removeClass(DISABLE_TRANSITIONS_CLASS); disabled = false; }, 100); }; var attachListeners = function attachListeners() { document.onkeyup = function (e) { switch (e.keyCode) { case 38: spin(-1); break; case 40: spin(1); break; } }; $carousel.bind('DOMMouseScroll', function(e){ if(e.originalEvent.detail > 0) { //scroll down spin(1); }else { //scroll up spin(-1); } //prevent page fom scrolling return false; }); //IE, Opera, Safari $carousel.bind('mousewheel', function(e){ if(e.originalEvent.wheelDelta < 0) { //scroll down spin(1); }else { //scroll up spin(-1); } //prevent page fom scrolling return false; }); jQuery('body').on('touchmove', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); var ts; $carousel.bind('touchstart', function (e){ ts = e.originalEvent.touches[0].clientY; }); $carousel.bind('touchend', function (e){ var te = e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].clientY; if(ts > te+5){ spin(1); }else if(ts < te-5){ spin(-1); } }); $controls.on('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (disabled) return; var $el = $(; var toIndex = parseInt($el.attr('data-index'), 10); spin(toIndex - activeIndex); }); }; var assignEls = function assignEls() { $stage = $('.carousel-stage'); }; var init = function init() { assignEls(); prepareDom(); attachListeners(); }; $(function () { init(); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider split carousel //Start execute javascript for horizontal timeline elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-horizontal-timeline.default', function( $scope ) { var timelines = jQuery('.cd-horizontal-timeline'); var eventsMinDistance = timelines.attr('data-spacing'); if(eventsMinDistance == '') { eventsMinDistance = 60; } (timelines.length > 0) && initTimeline(timelines); function initTimeline(timelines) { timelines.each(function(){ var timeline = jQuery(this), timelineComponents = {}; //cache timeline components timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'] = timeline.find('.events-wrapper'); timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'] = timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].children('.events'); timelineComponents['fillingLine'] = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].children('.filling-line'); timelineComponents['timelineEvents'] = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('a'); timelineComponents['timelineDates'] = parseDate(timelineComponents['timelineEvents']); timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse'] = minLapse(timelineComponents['timelineDates']); timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'] = timeline.find('.cd-timeline-navigation'); timelineComponents['eventsContent'] = timeline.children('.events-content'); //assign a left postion to the single events along the timeline setDatePosition(timelineComponents, eventsMinDistance); //assign a width to the timeline var timelineTotWidth = setTimelineWidth(timelineComponents, eventsMinDistance); //the timeline has been initialize - show it timeline.addClass('loaded'); //detect click on the next arrow timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].on('click', '.next', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next'); }); //detect click on the prev arrow timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].on('click', '.prev', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev'); }); //detect click on the a single event - show new event content timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].on('click', 'a', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].removeClass('selected'); jQuery(this).addClass('selected'); updateOlderEvents(jQuery(this)); updateFilling(jQuery(this), timelineComponents['fillingLine'], timelineTotWidth); updateVisibleContent(jQuery(this), timelineComponents['eventsContent']); }); //on swipe, show next/prev event content timelineComponents['eventsContent'].on('swipeleft', function(){ var mq = checkMQ(); ( mq == 'mobile' ) && showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next'); }); timelineComponents['eventsContent'].on('swiperight', function(){ var mq = checkMQ(); ( mq == 'mobile' ) && showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev'); }); //keyboard navigation jQuery(document).keyup(function(event){ if(event.which=='37' && elementInViewport(timeline.get(0)) ) { showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev'); } else if( event.which=='39' && elementInViewport(timeline.get(0))) { showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next'); } }); }); } function updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, string) { //retrieve translateX value of timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'] var translateValue = getTranslateValue(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper']), wrapperWidth = Number(timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', '')); //translate the timeline to the left('next')/right('prev') (string == 'next') ? translateTimeline(timelineComponents, translateValue - wrapperWidth + eventsMinDistance, wrapperWidth - timelineTotWidth) : translateTimeline(timelineComponents, translateValue + wrapperWidth - eventsMinDistance); } function showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, string) { //go from one event to the next/previous one var visibleContent = timelineComponents['eventsContent'].find('.selected'), newContent = ( string == 'next' ) ? : visibleContent.prev(); if ( newContent.length > 0 ) { //if there's a next/prev event - show it var selectedDate = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('.selected'), newEvent = ( string == 'next' ) ? selectedDate.parent('li').next('li').children('a') : selectedDate.parent('li').prev('li').children('a'); updateFilling(newEvent, timelineComponents['fillingLine'], timelineTotWidth); updateVisibleContent(newEvent, timelineComponents['eventsContent']); newEvent.addClass('selected'); selectedDate.removeClass('selected'); updateOlderEvents(newEvent); updateTimelinePosition(string, newEvent, timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth); } } function updateTimelinePosition(string, event, timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth) { //translate timeline to the left/right according to the position of the selected event var eventStyle = window.getComputedStyle(event.get(0), null), eventLeft = Number(eventStyle.getPropertyValue("left").replace('px', '')), timelineWidth = Number(timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', '')), timelineTotWidth = Number(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', '')); var timelineTranslate = getTranslateValue(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper']); if( (string == 'next' && eventLeft > timelineWidth - timelineTranslate) || (string == 'prev' && eventLeft < - timelineTranslate) ) { translateTimeline(timelineComponents, - eventLeft + timelineWidth/2, timelineWidth - timelineTotWidth); } } function translateTimeline(timelineComponents, value, totWidth) { var eventsWrapper = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].get(0); value = (value > 0) ? 0 : value; //only negative translate value value = ( !(typeof totWidth === 'undefined') && value < totWidth ) ? totWidth : value; //do not translate more than timeline width setTransformValue(eventsWrapper, 'translateX', value+'px'); //update navigation arrows visibility (value == 0 ) ? timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.prev').addClass('inactive') : timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.prev').removeClass('inactive'); (value == totWidth ) ? timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.next').addClass('inactive') : timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.next').removeClass('inactive'); } function updateFilling(selectedEvent, filling, totWidth) { //change .filling-line length according to the selected event var eventStyle = window.getComputedStyle(selectedEvent.get(0), null), eventLeft = eventStyle.getPropertyValue("left"), eventWidth = eventStyle.getPropertyValue("width"); eventLeft = Number(eventLeft.replace('px', '')) + Number(eventWidth.replace('px', ''))/2; var scaleValue = eventLeft/totWidth; setTransformValue(filling.get(0), 'scaleX', scaleValue); } function setDatePosition(timelineComponents, min) { for (i = 0; i < timelineComponents['timelineDates'].length; i++) { var distance = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][i]), distanceNorm = Math.round(distance/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse']) + 2; timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].eq(i).css('left', distanceNorm*min+'px'); } } function setTimelineWidth(timelineComponents, width) { var timeSpan = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][timelineComponents['timelineDates'].length-1]), timeSpanNorm = timeSpan/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse'], timeSpanNorm = Math.round(timeSpanNorm) + 4, totalWidth = timeSpanNorm*width; timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].css('width', totalWidth+'px'); updateFilling(timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].eq(0), timelineComponents['fillingLine'], totalWidth); return totalWidth; } function updateVisibleContent(event, eventsContent) { var eventDate ='date'), visibleContent = eventsContent.find('.selected'), selectedContent = eventsContent.find('[data-date="'+ eventDate +'"]'), selectedContentHeight = selectedContent.height(); if (selectedContent.index() > visibleContent.index()) { var classEnetering = 'selected enter-right', classLeaving = 'leave-left'; } else { var classEnetering = 'selected enter-left', classLeaving = 'leave-right'; } selectedContent.attr('class', classEnetering); visibleContent.attr('class', classLeaving).one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function(){ visibleContent.removeClass('leave-right leave-left'); selectedContent.removeClass('enter-left enter-right'); }); eventsContent.css('height', selectedContentHeight+'px'); } function updateOlderEvents(event) { event.parent('li').prevAll('li').children('a').addClass('older-event').end().end().nextAll('li').children('a').removeClass('older-event'); } function getTranslateValue(timeline) { var timelineStyle = window.getComputedStyle(timeline.get(0), null), timelineTranslate = timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("transform"); if( timelineTranslate.indexOf('(') >=0 ) { var timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split('(')[1]; timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split(')')[0]; timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split(','); var translateValue = timelineTranslate[4]; } else { var translateValue = 0; } return Number(translateValue); } function setTransformValue(element, property, value) {["-webkit-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-moz-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-ms-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-o-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["transform"] = property+"("+value+")"; } //based on function parseDate(events) { var dateArrays = []; events.each(function(){ var dateComp = jQuery(this).data('date').split('/'), newDate = new Date(dateComp[2], dateComp[1]-1, dateComp[0]); dateArrays.push(newDate); }); return dateArrays; } function parseDate2(events) { var dateArrays = []; events.each(function(){ var singleDate = jQuery(this), dateComp ='date').split('T'); if( dateComp.length > 1 ) { //both DD/MM/YEAR and time are provided var dayComp = dateComp[0].split('/'), timeComp = dateComp[1].split(':'); } else if( dateComp[0].indexOf(':') >=0 ) { //only time is provide var dayComp = ["2000", "0", "0"], timeComp = dateComp[0].split(':'); } else { //only DD/MM/YEAR var dayComp = dateComp[0].split('/'), timeComp = ["0", "0"]; } var newDate = new Date(dayComp[2], dayComp[1]-1, dayComp[0], timeComp[0], timeComp[1]); dateArrays.push(newDate); }); return dateArrays; } function daydiff(first, second) { return Math.round((second-first)); } function minLapse(dates) { //determine the minimum distance among events var dateDistances = []; for (i = 1; i < dates.length; i++) { var distance = daydiff(dates[i-1], dates[i]); dateDistances.push(distance); } return Math.min.apply(null, dateDistances); } /* How to tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport? */ function elementInViewport(el) { var top = el.offsetTop; var left = el.offsetLeft; var width = el.offsetWidth; var height = el.offsetHeight; while(el.offsetParent) { el = el.offsetParent; top += el.offsetTop; left += el.offsetLeft; } return ( top < (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) && left < (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth) && (top + height) > window.pageYOffset && (left + width) > window.pageXOffset ); } function checkMQ() { //check if mobile or desktop device return window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.cd-horizontal-timeline'), '::before').getPropertyValue('content').replace(/'/g, "").replace(/"/g, ""); } } ); //End execute javascript for horizontal timeline //Start execute javascript for background list elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-background-list.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".background-list-wrapper").each(function() { var parentDiv = jQuery(this); parentDiv.children('.background-list-column').hover(function () { parentDiv.find('.background-list-img').removeClass('hover'); jQuery(this).next('.background-list-img').addClass('hover'); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for background list //Start execute javascript for portfolio masonry elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-masonry.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(function( $ ) { jQuery("").each(function() { var grid = jQuery(this); var cols = grid.attr('data-cols'); cols = parseInt(cols); var gutter = 50; switch(cols) { case 2: gutter = 50; break; case 3: gutter = 40; break; case 4: gutter = 30; break; case 5: gutter = 20; break; } grid.imagesLoaded().progress( function() { grid.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item", gutter : gutter }); }); jQuery(" img.lazy_masonry").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); var cols = grid.attr('data-cols'); var gutter = 50; switch(cols) { case 2: gutter = 50; break; case 3: gutter = 40; break; case 4: gutter = 30; break; case 5: gutter = 20; break; } jQuery(this).Lazy({ onFinishedAll: function() { grid.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item", gutter : gutter }); }, }); }); jQuery(".portfolio-masonry-container").each(function() { var containderDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); var gridDiv = containderDiv.find(""); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-masonry-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).fadeIn().addClass('scale-anm'); gridDiv.masonry('destroy'); var $grid = gridDiv.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item.scale-anm", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item.scale-anm", gutter : gutter }); $grid.masonry('reloadItems'); }, 300); }); }); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio masonry //Start execute javascript for portfolio masonry grid elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-masonry-grid.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(function( $ ) { jQuery("").each(function() { var grid = jQuery(this); var cols = grid.attr('data-cols'); cols = parseInt(cols); var gutter = 50; switch(cols) { case 2: gutter = 50; break; case 3: gutter = 40; break; case 4: gutter = 30; break; case 5: gutter = 20; break; } grid.imagesLoaded().progress( function() { grid.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item", gutter : gutter }); }); jQuery(" img.lazy_masonry").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this); currentImg.parent("").removeClass("lazy"); var cols = grid.attr('data-cols'); var gutter = 50; switch(cols) { case 2: gutter = 50; break; case 3: gutter = 40; break; case 4: gutter = 30; break; case 5: gutter = 20; break; } jQuery(this).Lazy({ onFinishedAll: function() { grid.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item", gutter : gutter }); }, }); }); jQuery(".portfolio-masonry-container").each(function() { var containderDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); var gridDiv = containderDiv.find(""); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-masonry-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).fadeIn().addClass('scale-anm'); gridDiv.masonry('destroy'); var $grid = gridDiv.masonry({ itemSelector: ".gallery-grid-item.scale-anm", columnWidth: ".gallery-grid-item.scale-anm", gutter : gutter }); $grid.masonry('reloadItems'); }, 300); }); }); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio masonry grid //Start execute javascript for portfolio timeline elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-timeline.default', function( $scope ) { var timelines = jQuery('.cd-horizontal-timeline'); var eventsMinDistance = timelines.attr('data-spacing'); if(eventsMinDistance == '') { eventsMinDistance = 60; } (timelines.length > 0) && initTimeline(timelines); function initTimeline(timelines) { timelines.each(function(){ var timeline = jQuery(this), timelineComponents = {}; //cache timeline components timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'] = timeline.find('.events-wrapper'); timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'] = timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].children('.events'); timelineComponents['fillingLine'] = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].children('.filling-line'); timelineComponents['timelineEvents'] = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('a'); timelineComponents['timelineDates'] = parseDate(timelineComponents['timelineEvents']); timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse'] = minLapse(timelineComponents['timelineDates']); timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'] = timeline.find('.cd-timeline-navigation'); timelineComponents['eventsContent'] = timeline.children('.events-content'); //assign a left postion to the single events along the timeline setDatePosition(timelineComponents, eventsMinDistance); //assign a width to the timeline var timelineTotWidth = setTimelineWidth(timelineComponents, eventsMinDistance); //the timeline has been initialize - show it timeline.addClass('loaded'); //detect click on the next arrow timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].on('click', '.next', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next'); }); //detect click on the prev arrow timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].on('click', '.prev', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev'); }); //detect click on the a single event - show new event content timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].on('click', 'a', function(event){ event.preventDefault(); timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].removeClass('selected'); jQuery(this).addClass('selected'); updateOlderEvents(jQuery(this)); updateFilling(jQuery(this), timelineComponents['fillingLine'], timelineTotWidth); updateVisibleContent(jQuery(this), timelineComponents['eventsContent']); }); //on swipe, show next/prev event content timelineComponents['eventsContent'].on('swipeleft', function(){ var mq = checkMQ(); ( mq == 'mobile' ) && showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next'); }); timelineComponents['eventsContent'].on('swiperight', function(){ var mq = checkMQ(); ( mq == 'mobile' ) && showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev'); }); //keyboard navigation jQuery(document).keyup(function(event){ if(event.which=='37' && elementInViewport(timeline.get(0)) ) { showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'prev'); } else if( event.which=='39' && elementInViewport(timeline.get(0))) { showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, 'next'); } }); }); } function updateSlide(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, string) { //retrieve translateX value of timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'] var translateValue = getTranslateValue(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper']), wrapperWidth = Number(timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', '')); //translate the timeline to the left('next')/right('prev') (string == 'next') ? translateTimeline(timelineComponents, translateValue - wrapperWidth + eventsMinDistance, wrapperWidth - timelineTotWidth) : translateTimeline(timelineComponents, translateValue + wrapperWidth - eventsMinDistance); } function showNewContent(timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth, string) { //go from one event to the next/previous one var visibleContent = timelineComponents['eventsContent'].find('.selected'), newContent = ( string == 'next' ) ? : visibleContent.prev(); if ( newContent.length > 0 ) { //if there's a next/prev event - show it var selectedDate = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].find('.selected'), newEvent = ( string == 'next' ) ? selectedDate.parent('li').next('li').children('a') : selectedDate.parent('li').prev('li').children('a'); updateFilling(newEvent, timelineComponents['fillingLine'], timelineTotWidth); updateVisibleContent(newEvent, timelineComponents['eventsContent']); newEvent.addClass('selected'); selectedDate.removeClass('selected'); updateOlderEvents(newEvent); updateTimelinePosition(string, newEvent, timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth); } } function updateTimelinePosition(string, event, timelineComponents, timelineTotWidth) { //translate timeline to the left/right according to the position of the selected event var eventStyle = window.getComputedStyle(event.get(0), null), eventLeft = Number(eventStyle.getPropertyValue("left").replace('px', '')), timelineWidth = Number(timelineComponents['timelineWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', '')), timelineTotWidth = Number(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].css('width').replace('px', '')); var timelineTranslate = getTranslateValue(timelineComponents['eventsWrapper']); if( (string == 'next' && eventLeft > timelineWidth - timelineTranslate) || (string == 'prev' && eventLeft < - timelineTranslate) ) { translateTimeline(timelineComponents, - eventLeft + timelineWidth/2, timelineWidth - timelineTotWidth); } } function translateTimeline(timelineComponents, value, totWidth) { var eventsWrapper = timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].get(0); value = (value > 0) ? 0 : value; //only negative translate value value = ( !(typeof totWidth === 'undefined') && value < totWidth ) ? totWidth : value; //do not translate more than timeline width setTransformValue(eventsWrapper, 'translateX', value+'px'); //update navigation arrows visibility (value == 0 ) ? timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.prev').addClass('inactive') : timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.prev').removeClass('inactive'); (value == totWidth ) ? timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.next').addClass('inactive') : timelineComponents['timelineNavigation'].find('.next').removeClass('inactive'); } function updateFilling(selectedEvent, filling, totWidth) { //change .filling-line length according to the selected event var eventStyle = window.getComputedStyle(selectedEvent.get(0), null), eventLeft = eventStyle.getPropertyValue("left"), eventWidth = eventStyle.getPropertyValue("width"); eventLeft = Number(eventLeft.replace('px', '')) + Number(eventWidth.replace('px', ''))/2; var scaleValue = eventLeft/totWidth; setTransformValue(filling.get(0), 'scaleX', scaleValue); } function setDatePosition(timelineComponents, min) { for (i = 0; i < timelineComponents['timelineDates'].length; i++) { var distance = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][i]), distanceNorm = Math.round(distance/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse']) + 2; timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].eq(i).css('left', distanceNorm*min+'px'); } } function setTimelineWidth(timelineComponents, width) { var timeSpan = daydiff(timelineComponents['timelineDates'][0], timelineComponents['timelineDates'][timelineComponents['timelineDates'].length-1]), timeSpanNorm = timeSpan/timelineComponents['eventsMinLapse'], timeSpanNorm = Math.round(timeSpanNorm) + 4, totalWidth = timeSpanNorm*width; timelineComponents['eventsWrapper'].css('width', totalWidth+'px'); updateFilling(timelineComponents['timelineEvents'].eq(0), timelineComponents['fillingLine'], totalWidth); return totalWidth; } function updateVisibleContent(event, eventsContent) { var eventDate ='date'), visibleContent = eventsContent.find('.selected'), selectedContent = eventsContent.find('[data-date="'+ eventDate +'"]'), selectedContentHeight = selectedContent.height(); if (selectedContent.index() > visibleContent.index()) { var classEnetering = 'selected enter-right', classLeaving = 'leave-left'; } else { var classEnetering = 'selected enter-left', classLeaving = 'leave-right'; } selectedContent.attr('class', classEnetering); visibleContent.attr('class', classLeaving).one('webkitAnimationEnd oanimationend msAnimationEnd animationend', function(){ visibleContent.removeClass('leave-right leave-left'); selectedContent.removeClass('enter-left enter-right'); }); eventsContent.css('height', selectedContentHeight+'px'); } function updateOlderEvents(event) { event.parent('li').prevAll('li').children('a').addClass('older-event').end().end().nextAll('li').children('a').removeClass('older-event'); } function getTranslateValue(timeline) { var timelineStyle = window.getComputedStyle(timeline.get(0), null), timelineTranslate = timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-webkit-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-moz-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-ms-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("-o-transform") || timelineStyle.getPropertyValue("transform"); if( timelineTranslate.indexOf('(') >=0 ) { var timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split('(')[1]; timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split(')')[0]; timelineTranslate = timelineTranslate.split(','); var translateValue = timelineTranslate[4]; } else { var translateValue = 0; } return Number(translateValue); } function setTransformValue(element, property, value) {["-webkit-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-moz-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-ms-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["-o-transform"] = property+"("+value+")";["transform"] = property+"("+value+")"; } //based on function parseDate(events) { var dateArrays = []; events.each(function(){ var dateComp = jQuery(this).data('date').split('/'), newDate = new Date(dateComp[2], dateComp[1]-1, dateComp[0]); dateArrays.push(newDate); }); return dateArrays; } function parseDate2(events) { var dateArrays = []; events.each(function(){ var singleDate = jQuery(this), dateComp ='date').split('T'); if( dateComp.length > 1 ) { //both DD/MM/YEAR and time are provided var dayComp = dateComp[0].split('/'), timeComp = dateComp[1].split(':'); } else if( dateComp[0].indexOf(':') >=0 ) { //only time is provide var dayComp = ["2000", "0", "0"], timeComp = dateComp[0].split(':'); } else { //only DD/MM/YEAR var dayComp = dateComp[0].split('/'), timeComp = ["0", "0"]; } var newDate = new Date(dayComp[2], dayComp[1]-1, dayComp[0], timeComp[0], timeComp[1]); dateArrays.push(newDate); }); return dateArrays; } function daydiff(first, second) { return Math.round((second-first)); } function minLapse(dates) { //determine the minimum distance among events var dateDistances = []; for (i = 1; i < dates.length; i++) { var distance = daydiff(dates[i-1], dates[i]); dateDistances.push(distance); } return Math.min.apply(null, dateDistances); } /* How to tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport? */ function elementInViewport(el) { var top = el.offsetTop; var left = el.offsetLeft; var width = el.offsetWidth; var height = el.offsetHeight; while(el.offsetParent) { el = el.offsetParent; top += el.offsetTop; left += el.offsetLeft; } return ( top < (window.pageYOffset + window.innerHeight) && left < (window.pageXOffset + window.innerWidth) && (top + height) > window.pageYOffset && (left + width) > window.pageXOffset ); } function checkMQ() { //check if mobile or desktop device return window.getComputedStyle(document.querySelector('.cd-horizontal-timeline'), '::before').getPropertyValue('content').replace(/'/g, "").replace(/"/g, ""); } } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio timeline vertical //Start execute javascript for background list elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-timeline-vertical.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".portfolio-timeline-vertical-content-wrapper").each(function() { var slideshow = jQuery(this); var autoPlay = slideshow.attr('data-autoplay'); var autoPlayArr = false; if (typeof autoPlay != "undefined"){ autoPlayArr = { delay: autoPlay }; } var speed = slideshow.attr('data-speed'); if (typeof speed == "undefined"){ speed = 1600; } var timelineSwiper = new Swiper ('.portfolio-timeline-vertical-content-wrapper .timeline .swiper-container', { direction: 'vertical', loop: false, speed: parseInt(speed), autoplay: autoPlayArr, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', type: 'bullets', renderBullet: function (index, className) { var year = document.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide')[index].getAttribute('data-year'); return '' + year + '';; }, clickable: true }, navigation: { nextEl: '.swiper-button-next', prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', }, breakpoints: { 768: { direction: 'horizontal', } }, on: { init: function () { slideshow.delay(100).queue(function (next) { jQuery(this).addClass('active'); }); }, } }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio timeline vertical //Start execute javascript for slider parallax elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-parallax.default', function( $scope ) { var slideshow=jQuery('.slider-parallax-wrapper'); var timer = slideshow.attr('data-autoplay'); var autoplay = true; if(timer == 0) { timer = false; autoplay = false; } var pagination = slideshow.attr('data-pagination'); if(pagination == 0) { var pagination = false; } else { var pagination = true; } var navigation = slideshow.attr('data-navigation'); if(navigation == 0) { var navigation = false; } else { var navigation = true; } var slideshowDuration = timer; function slideshowSwitch(slideshow,index,auto){ if('wait')) return; var slides = slideshow.find('.slide'); var pages = slideshow.find('.pagination'); var activeSlide = slides.filter('.is-active'); var activeSlideImage = activeSlide.find('.image-container'); var newSlide = slides.eq(index); var newSlideImage = newSlide.find('.image-container'); var newSlideContent = newSlide.find('.slide-content'); var newSlideElements=newSlide.find('.caption > *'); if(; newSlide.addClass('is-new'); var'timeout'); clearTimeout(timeout);'wait',true); var transition=slideshow.attr('data-transition'); if(transition=='fade'){ newSlide.css({ display:'block', zIndex:2 }); newSlideImage.css({ opacity:0 });,1,{ alpha:1, onComplete:function(){ newSlide.addClass('is-active').removeClass('is-new'); activeSlide.removeClass('is-active'); newSlide.css({display:'',zIndex:''}); newSlideImage.css({opacity:''}); slideshow.find('.pagination').trigger('check');'wait',false); if(auto){ timeout=setTimeout(function(){ slideshowNext(slideshow,false,true); },slideshowDuration);'timeout',timeout);}}}); } else { if(newSlide.index()>activeSlide.index()){ var newSlideRight=0; var newSlideLeft='auto'; var newSlideImageRight=-slideshow.width()/8; var newSlideImageLeft='auto'; var newSlideImageToRight=0; var newSlideImageToLeft='auto'; var newSlideContentLeft='auto'; var newSlideContentRight=0; var activeSlideImageLeft=-slideshow.width()/4; } else { var newSlideRight=''; var newSlideLeft=0; var newSlideImageRight='auto'; var newSlideImageLeft=-slideshow.width()/8; var newSlideImageToRight=''; var newSlideImageToLeft=0; var newSlideContentLeft=0; var newSlideContentRight='auto'; var activeSlideImageLeft=slideshow.width()/4; } newSlide.css({ display:'block', width:0, right:newSlideRight, left:newSlideLeft ,zIndex:2 }); newSlideImage.css({ width:slideshow.width(), right:newSlideImageRight, left:newSlideImageLeft }); newSlideContent.css({ width:slideshow.width(), left:newSlideContentLeft, right:newSlideContentRight }); activeSlideImage.css({ left:0 }); TweenMax.set(newSlideElements,{y:20,force3D:true});,1,{ left:activeSlideImageLeft, ease:Power3.easeInOut });,1,{ width:slideshow.width(), ease:Power3.easeInOut });,1,{ right:newSlideImageToRight, left:newSlideImageToLeft, ease:Power3.easeInOut }); TweenMax.staggerFromTo(newSlideElements,0.8,{alpha:0,y:60},{alpha:1,y:0,ease:Power3.easeOut,force3D:true,delay:0.6},0.1,function(){ newSlide.addClass('is-active').removeClass('is-new'); activeSlide.removeClass('is-active'); newSlide.css({ display:'', width:'', left:'', zIndex:'' }); newSlideImage.css({ width:'', right:'', left:'' }); newSlideContent.css({ width:'', left:'' }); newSlideElements.css({ opacity:'', transform:'' }); activeSlideImage.css({ left:'' }); slideshow.find('.pagination').trigger('check');'wait',false); if(auto){ timeout=setTimeout(function(){ slideshowNext(slideshow,false,true); },slideshowDuration);'timeout',timeout); } }); } } function slideshowNext(slideshow,previous,auto){ var slides=slideshow.find('.slide'); var activeSlide=slides.filter('.is-active'); var newSlide=null; if(previous){ newSlide=activeSlide.prev('.slide'); if(newSlide.length === 0) { newSlide=slides.last(); } } else {'.slide'); if(newSlide.length==0) newSlide=slides.filter('.slide').first(); } slideshowSwitch(slideshow,newSlide.index(),auto); } function homeSlideshowParallax(){ var scrollTop=jQuery(window).scrollTop(); if(scrollTop>windowHeight) return; var inner=slideshow.find('.slideshow-inner'); var newHeight=windowHeight-(scrollTop/2); var newTop=scrollTop*0.8; inner.css({ transform:'translateY('+newTop+'px)',height:newHeight }); } jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('.slider-parallax-wrapper .slide').addClass('is-loaded'); jQuery('.slider-parallax-wrapper .arrows .arrow').on('click',function(){ slideshowNext(jQuery(this).closest('.slider-parallax-wrapper'),jQuery(this).hasClass('prev')); }); jQuery('.slider-parallax-wrapper .pagination .item').on('click',function(){ slideshowSwitch(jQuery(this).closest('.slider-parallax-wrapper'),jQuery(this).index()); }); jQuery('.slider-parallax-wrapper .pagination').on('check',function(){ var slideshow=jQuery(this).closest('.slider-parallax-wrapper'); var pages=jQuery(this).find('.item'); var index=slideshow.find('.slider_parallax_slides .is-active').index(); pages.removeClass('is-active'); pages.eq(index).addClass('is-active'); }); if(autoplay) { var timeout=setTimeout(function(){ slideshowNext(slideshow,false,true); },slideshowDuration);'timeout',timeout); } }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider parallax //Start execute javascript for distortion grid elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-distortion-grid.default', function( $scope ) { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.distortion-grid-item-img')).forEach((el) => { const imgs = Array.from(el.querySelectorAll('img')); new hoverEffect({ parent: el, intensity: el.dataset.intensity || undefined, speedIn: el.dataset.speedin || undefined, speedOut: el.dataset.speedout || undefined, easing: el.dataset.easing || undefined, hover: el.dataset.hover || undefined, image1: imgs[0].getAttribute('src'), image2: imgs[1].getAttribute('src'), displacementImage: el.dataset.displacement }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for distortion grid //Start execute javascript for slider animated elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-animated.default', function( $scope ) { var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var $window = jQuery(window); var $body = jQuery('body'); var Slideshow = function () { function Slideshow() { var _this = this; var userOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, Slideshow); var defaultOptions = { $el: jQuery('.animated-slider-wrapper'), showArrows: false, showPagination: true, duration: 10000, autoplay: true }; var options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, userOptions); this.$el = options.$el; this.maxSlide = this.$el.find(jQuery('.js-slider-home-slide')).length; this.showArrows = this.maxSlide > 1 ? options.showArrows : false; this.showPagination = options.showPagination; this.currentSlide = 1; this.isAnimating = false; this.animationDuration = 1200; this.autoplaySpeed = options.duration; this.interval; this.$controls = this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-button'); this.autoplay = this.maxSlide > 1 ? options.autoplay : false; this.autoplay = false; this.$el.on('click', '.js-slider-home-next', function (event) { return _this.nextSlide(); }); this.$el.on('click', '.js-slider-home-prev', function (event) { return _this.prevSlide(); }); this.$el.on('click', '.js-pagination-item', function (event) { if (!_this.isAnimating) { _this.preventClick(); _this.goToSlide(; } }); this.init(); } _createClass(Slideshow, [{ key: 'init', value: function init() { this.goToSlide(1); if (this.autoplay) { this.startAutoplay(); } if (this.showPagination) { var paginationNumber = this.maxSlide; var pagination = ''; this.$el.append(pagination); } } }, { key: 'preventClick', value: function preventClick() { var _this2 = this; this.isAnimating = true; this.$controls.prop('disabled', true); clearInterval(this.interval); setTimeout(function () { _this2.isAnimating = false; _this2.$controls.prop('disabled', false); if (_this2.autoplay) { _this2.startAutoplay(); } }, this.animationDuration); } }, { key: 'goToSlide', value: function goToSlide(index) { this.currentSlide = parseInt(index); if (this.currentSlide > this.maxSlide) { this.currentSlide = 1; } if (this.currentSlide === 0) { this.currentSlide = this.maxSlide; } var newCurrent = this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide[data-slide="' + this.currentSlide + '"]'); var newPrev = this.currentSlide === 1 ? this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide').last() : newCurrent.prev('.js-slider-home-slide'); var newNext = this.currentSlide === this.maxSlide ? this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide').first() :'.js-slider-home-slide'); this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide').removeClass('is-prev is-next is-current'); this.$el.find('.js-pagination-item').removeClass('is-current'); if (this.maxSlide > 1) { newPrev.addClass('is-prev'); newNext.addClass('is-next'); } newCurrent.addClass('is-current'); this.$el.find('.js-pagination-item[data-slide="' + this.currentSlide + '"]').addClass('is-current'); } }, { key: 'nextSlide', value: function nextSlide() { this.preventClick(); this.goToSlide(this.currentSlide + 1); } }, { key: 'prevSlide', value: function prevSlide() { this.preventClick(); this.goToSlide(this.currentSlide - 1); } }, { key: 'startAutoplay', value: function startAutoplay() { var _this3 = this; this.interval = setInterval(function () { if (!_this3.isAnimating) { _this3.nextSlide(); } }, this.autoplaySpeed); } }, { key: 'destroy', value: function destroy() { this.$; } }]); return Slideshow; }(); (function () { var loaded = false; var maxLoad = 3000; function load() { var options = { showPagination: true }; var slideShow = new Slideshow(options); } function addLoadClass() { $body.addClass('is-loaded'); setTimeout(function () { $body.addClass('is-animated'); }, 600); } $window.on('load', function () { if (!loaded) { loaded = true; load(); } }); setTimeout(function () { if (!loaded) { loaded = true; load(); } }, maxLoad); addLoadClass(); })(); } ); //End execute javascript for slider animated //Start execute javascript for fade up slider elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-fadeup.default', function( $scope ) { function init(item) { var items = item.querySelectorAll('li'), current = 0, autoUpdate = true; //create nav var nav = document.createElement('nav'); nav.className = 'nav_arrows'; //create button prev var prevbtn = document.createElement('button'); prevbtn.className = 'prev'; prevbtn.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Prev'); //create button next var nextbtn = document.createElement('button'); nextbtn.className = 'next'; nextbtn.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Next'); //create counter var counter = document.createElement('div'); counter.className = 'counter'; counter.innerHTML = "1"+items.length+""; if (items.length > 1) { nav.appendChild(prevbtn); nav.appendChild(counter); nav.appendChild(nextbtn); item.appendChild(nav); } items[current].className = "current"; if (items.length > 1) items[items.length-1].className = "prev-slide"; var navigate = function(dir) { items[current].className = ""; if (dir === 'right') { current = current < items.length-1 ? current + 1 : 0; } else { current = current > 0 ? current - 1 : items.length-1; } var nextCurrent = current < items.length-1 ? current + 1 : 0, prevCurrent = current > 0 ? current - 1 : items.length-1; items[current].className = "current"; items[prevCurrent].className = "prev-slide"; items[nextCurrent].className = ""; //update counter counter.firstChild.textContent = current + 1; } item.addEventListener('mouseenter', function() { autoUpdate = false; }); item.addEventListener('mouseleave', function() { autoUpdate = true; }); prevbtn.addEventListener('click', function() { navigate('left'); }); nextbtn.addEventListener('click', function() { navigate('right'); }); //keyboard navigation document.addEventListener('keydown', function(ev) { var keyCode = ev.keyCode || ev.which; switch (keyCode) { case 37: navigate('left'); break; case 39: navigate('right'); break; } }); // swipe navigation // from item.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false); item.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false); var xDown = null; var yDown = null; function handleTouchStart(evt) { xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX; yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY; }; function handleTouchMove(evt) { if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) { return; } var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX; var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY; var xDiff = xDown - xUp; var yDiff = yDown - yUp; if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/ if ( xDiff > 0 ) { /* left swipe */ navigate('right'); } else { navigate('left'); } } /* reset values */ xDown = null; yDown = null; }; } []'.fadeup-slider-wrapper')).forEach( function(item) { init(item); }); } ); //End execute javascript for fade up slider //Start execute javascript for motion reveal slider elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-motion-reveal.default', function( $scope ) { // The Slide class. class Slide { constructor(el) { this.DOM = {el: el}; // The image conteiner. this.DOM.imgWrap = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slide-img-wrap'); // The revealer element (the element with the same color of the body that covers the image). this.DOM.revealer = this.DOM.imgWrap.querySelector('.slide-img-reveal'); // The title element. this.DOM.title = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slide-title'); // The slide´s number element this.DOM.number = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slide-number'); // The large preview elements (also an image and revealer for the cover/uncover effect) this.DOM.preview = { imgWrap: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview-img-wrap'), revealer: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview-img-wrap > .preview-img-reveal'), title: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview-title'), content: this.DOM.el.querySelector('.preview-content') }; // Some config values. this.config = { animation: { duration: 0.6, ease: Expo.easeOut } }; } // Sets the current class. setCurrent(isCurrent = true) { this.DOM.el.classList[isCurrent ? 'add' : 'remove']('slide-current'); } // Hide the slide. hide(direction) { return this.toggle('hide', direction); } // Show the slide. show(direction) { return this.toggle('show', direction); } // Show/Hide the slide. toggle(action, direction) { // Hide/Show revealer on top of the image and move the image, title and number. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let revealerOpts = { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, onComplete: resolve }; const commonOpts = { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, opacity: action === 'hide' ? 0 : 1 }; let imgOpts = Object.assign({},commonOpts); let numberOpts = Object.assign({},commonOpts); let titleOpts = Object.assign({},commonOpts); if ( direction === 'left' || direction === 'right' ) { revealerOpts.startAt = action === 'hide' ? {x: direction === 'left' ? '-100%' : '100%', y:'0%'} : {x: '0%', y:'0%'}; revealerOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? '0%' : direction === 'left' ? '100%' : '-100%'; imgOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 0, x: direction === 'left' ? '-20%' : '20%'} : {}; imgOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'left' ? '20%' : '-20%' : '0%'; titleOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, scale: 0.2, x: direction === 'left' ? '-200%' : '200%'} : {}; titleOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'left' ? '200%' : '-200%' : '0%'; titleOpts.scale = action === 'hide' ? 0.2 : 1; numberOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, x: direction === 'left' ? '-50%' : '50%'} : {}; numberOpts.x = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'left' ? '50%' : '-50%' : '0%'; } else { revealerOpts.startAt = action === 'hide' ? {x:'0%', y: direction === 'down' ? '-100%' : '100%'} : {x:'0%', y: '0%'}; revealerOpts.y = action === 'hide' ? '0%' : direction === 'down' ? '100%' : '-100%'; imgOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, y: direction === 'down' ? '-10%' : '10%'} : {}; imgOpts.y = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'down' ? '10%' : '-10%' : '0%'; titleOpts.ease = this.config.animation.ease, titleOpts.startAt = action === 'show' ? {opacity: 1, y: direction === 'down' ? '-100%' : '100%'} : {}; titleOpts.y = action === 'hide' ? direction === 'down' ? '100%' : '-100%' : '0%'; } // Toggling the revealer., this.config.animation.duration, revealerOpts); // Moving & fading the image (wrappper)., this.config.animation.duration, imgOpts); // Moving & fading the title and number., this.config.animation.duration*1.5, titleOpts);, this.config.animation.duration, numberOpts); }); } // Hide the preview element. hidePreview(delay) { return this.togglePreview('hide'); } // Show the preview element. showPreview(delay) { return this.togglePreview('show'); } // Show/Hide the preview. togglePreview(action) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Hide/Show revealer., this.config.animation.duration, { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, startAt: action === 'hide' ? {x:'0%', y:'-100%'} : {x:'0%', y:'0%'}, y: action === 'hide' ? '0%' : '-100%', onComplete: resolve }); // Move and fade the image wrapper., this.config.animation.duration, { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, startAt: action === 'hide' ? {} : {opacity: 0, y: '20%'}, y: action === 'hide' ? '20%' : '0%', opacity: action === 'hide' ? 0 : 1 }); // Move and fade the title and content.[this.DOM.preview.title,this.DOM.preview.content], this.config.animation.duration, { delay: action === 'hide' ? 0 : this.config.animation.duration/2, ease: this.config.animation.ease, startAt: action === 'hide' ? {} : {opacity: 0, y: '200%'}, y: action === 'hide' ? '200%' : '0%', opacity: action === 'hide' ? 0 : 1 }); }); } } // The Slideshow class. class Slideshow { constructor(el) { this.DOM = {el: el}; // Navigation controls (prev, next and preview ctrls) this.DOM.prevCtrl = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slidenav-item--prev'); this.DOM.nextCtrl = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slidenav-item--next'); this.DOM.previewCtrl = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slidenav-preview'); // The slides. this.slides = []; Array.from(this.DOM.el.querySelectorAll('.slide')).forEach(slideEl => this.slides.push(new Slide(slideEl))); // The total number of slides. this.slidesTotal = this.slides.length; // Current slide position. this.current = 0; // initialize the slideshow. this.init(); } // init: set the current slide and initialize some events.. init() { this.slides[this.current].setCurrent(); this.initEvents(); } initEvents() { this.DOM.prevCtrl.addEventListener('click', () => this.prev()); this.DOM.nextCtrl.addEventListener('click', () =>; this.DOM.previewCtrl.addEventListener('click', (ev) => { if ( this.isAnimating ) return; if ('slidenav-preview--open') ) {'slidenav-preview--open'); this.exitPreview(); } else {'slidenav-preview--open') this.enterPreview(); } }); } prev() { this.navigate('left'); } next() { this.navigate('right'); } enterPreview() { this.togglePreview('enter'); } exitPreview() { this.togglePreview('exit'); } togglePreview(action) { // If animating return. if ( this.isAnimating ) return; this.isAnimating = true; const processing = action === 'enter' ? [this.slides[this.current].hide('up'), this.slides[this.current].showPreview()] : [this.slides[this.current].show('down'), this.slides[this.current].hidePreview()]; // Hide the next/prev controls. this.toggleNavCtrls(action); Promise.all(processing).then(() => this.isAnimating = false); } toggleNavCtrls(action) {[this.DOM.prevCtrl, this.DOM.nextCtrl], 0.5, { ease: 'Expo.easeOut', opacity: action === 'enter' ? 0 : 1, onStart: () => = = action === 'enter' ? 'none' : 'auto' }); } // Navigate the slideshow. navigate(direction) { // If animating return. if ( this.isAnimating ) return; this.isAnimating = true; const nextSlidePos = direction === 'right' ? this.current < this.slidesTotal-1 ? this.current+1 : 0 : this.current > 0 ? this.current-1 : this.slidesTotal-1; Promise.all([this.slides[this.current].hide(direction), this.slides[nextSlidePos].show(direction)]) .then(() => { // Update current. this.slides[this.current].setCurrent(false); this.current = nextSlidePos; this.isAnimating = false; this.slides[this.current].setCurrent(); }); } } const slideshow = new Slideshow(document.querySelector('.motion-reveal-slider-wrapper.slideshow')); } ); //End execute javascript for motion reveal slider //Start execute javascript for testimonials card elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-testimonial-card.default', function( $scope ) { var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) {return typeof obj;} : function (obj) {return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;};(function ($) { $.extend({ Mod2Slider: function Mod2Slider(options) { // make sure either an object with all of our options is passed in or nothing at all if ((typeof options === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(options)) !== 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid parameter. You must pass in an object!'); } else { /** * Setup all of our options * * 1. NameSpace is going to to be the id of the main section containing the slider. If nothing is passed in then the body tag will be used as the namespace, meaning if you have more than one slider on the page then only the first will be found. * 2. beginningSlide is going to be which slide you want the slider to start out on, first, middle, or last. * 3. slideDirection sets the slider to be either horizontal or vertical * 4. overflow sets the css overflow property of the slider ul. If overflow is hidden then only the active slide will be visible, else if overflow is set to visible then all the slides will be visible in a row. * 5. bulletNav takes in a boolean that if true appends a bullet list nav to the slider. * 6. navigateBySlide takes in a boolen that if true allows users to navigate to a slide by clicking on it. * */ var nameSpace = options.sectionId || 'body .testimonials-card-wrapper'; var beginningSlide = options.beginningSlide || 'second'; var sliderDirection = options.sliderDirection || 'horizontal'; var overflow = options.overflow || 'hidden'; var bulletNav = options.bulletNav; var navigateBySlide = options.navigateBySlide || false; var positionUnit = options.positionUnit || 'px'; // cache frequently called dom elements var slides = jQuery(nameSpace + ' .slider li'); var sliderUl = jQuery(nameSpace + ' .slider > ul'); var sliderContainer = jQuery(nameSpace + ' .slider'); var sliderNav = void 0; var sliderNavBtns = void 0; var direction = void 0; // initialize slider var initSlider = function initSlider() { // set which slide to start on var x = void 0; switch (beginningSlide) { case 'first': x = 0; break; case 'second': x = 1; break; case 'middle': x = Math.floor(slides.length / 2); break; case 'last': x = slides.length - 1; break;} // give slides a data attribute containing their index number jQuery(slides).each(function (i) { jQuery(this).attr('data', i); }); // style slider and position slides styleSlider(); positionSlides(x); // initialize slider nav if bulletNav true if (bulletNav) { sliderNavInit(x); } // initialize the click listener function for slides if navigateBySlide is true if (navigateBySlide) { jQuery(slides).hover().css({ cursor: 'pointer' }); slideListener(); } }; // setup necessary styles for the slider, this is called when first initializing var styleSlider = function styleSlider() { /** * Set the height of the slider to the height of the tallest slide. * This is done to avoid the slider pushing or pulling the elements below it during a slide transition. */ var slideHeights = []; jQuery(slides).each(function () { slideHeights.push(jQuery(this).outerHeight()); }); jQuery(sliderUl).css('min-height', Math.max.apply(Math, slideHeights)); // set the overflow of the slider sliderUl.css('overflow', overflow); // set the direction of the slider if (sliderDirection === 'vertical') { direction = 'top'; } else if (sliderDirection === 'horizontal') { direction = 'left'; } }; // position slides, takes in an integer which indicates the slide index to make active var positionSlides = function positionSlides(index) { // check to make sure the index parameter is valid if (index < 0 || index > slides.length) { throw new Error('Invalid index parameter.'); return; } else { var activeSlide = jQuery(slides[index]); var fullSlideWidth = jQuery(slides[index]).outerWidth(true); var unitCalc = void 0; if (positionUnit === 'px') { unitCalc = fullSlideWidth; } else if (positionUnit === '%') { unitCalc = 100; } // set the slider ul to the active slide width jQuery(sliderUl).css('width', fullSlideWidth); // set the position of the active slide and all previous + next slides activeSlide.css(direction, '0'); activeSlide.prevAll().each(function (i) { jQuery(this).css(direction, '-' + unitCalc * (i + 1) + positionUnit); }); activeSlide.nextAll().each(function (i) { jQuery(this).css(direction, unitCalc * (i + 1) + positionUnit); }); } }; // initialize the slider nav, takes in an integer which indicates the current active slide var sliderNavInit = function sliderNavInit(x) { // append nav to slider and save the reference to sliderNav variable sliderContainer.append(''); sliderNav = jQuery(nameSpace + ' .slider-nav'); // append an li for each slide to the slider nav ul for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { if (i < x || i > x) { jQuery(sliderNav).find('ul').append('
  • '); } else if (i === x) { jQuery(sliderNav).find('ul').append('
  • '); } } // save reference to nav btns in a varible sliderNavBtns = jQuery(nameSpace + ' li[class*="bullet"]'); // call the click handeler function navListener(); }; // navigate to slide when clicking on nav bullets var navListener = function navListener() { (e) { // we only care about clicks on the li's if ( === 'LI') { // get the value of the data attribute from the clicked li and conver to an integer var index = parseInt(jQuery('data')); // style active button sliderNavBtns.each(function () { jQuery(this).removeClass('active-bullet'); }); jQuery('active-bullet'); // position the slides positionSlides(index); } }); }; // called if navigateBySlide is true var slideListener = function slideListener() { (e) { // filter out clicks that are on the container //var slideClicked = !== 'DIV' ? true : false; //if (slideClicked) { // get the data attribute value of the clicked li and convert to an integer var index = parseInt(jQuery('li').attr('data')); // if a bullet nav exists, update the button styles if (sliderNav) { sliderNavBtns.each(function () { jQuery(this).removeClass('active-bullet'); }); jQuery(sliderNavBtns[index]).addClass('active-bullet'); } // position the slides positionSlides(index); //} }); }; initSlider(); } } }); })(jQuery); jQuery(".testimonials-card-wrapper").each(function() { var slideshow = jQuery(this).parent('.elementor-widget-container').parent('.elementor-widget-avante-testimonial-card'); var slideshowNameSpace = '#'+slideshow.attr('data-id')+' .testimonials-card-wrapper'; var slideshowBeginningSlide = jQuery(this).attr('data-beginning-slide'); var slideshowPagination = jQuery(this).attr('data-pagination'); new $.Mod2Slider({ nameSpace: slideshowNameSpace, beginningSlide: slideshowBeginningSlide, bulletNav: Boolean(Number(slideshowPagination)), overflow: 'visible', navigateBySlide: true, positionUnit: 'px' }); } ); }); //End execute javascript for testimonials card //Start execute javascript for slider image carousel elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-image-carousel.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".image-carousel-slider-wrapper").each(function() { jQuery(this).find('.carousel-item').eq(0).addClass('active'); var total = jQuery(this).find('.carousel-item').length; var current = 0; var slideObj = jQuery(this); jQuery(this).find('#moveRight').on('click', function(){ var next=current; current= current+1; setSlide(next, current, slideObj); }); jQuery(this).find('#moveLeft').on('click', function(){ var prev=current; current = current- 1; setSlide(prev, current, slideObj); }); function setSlide(prev, next, slideObj){ var slide= current; if(next>total-1){ slide=0; current=0; } if(next<0){ slide=total - 1; current=total - 1; } slideObj.find('.carousel-item').eq(prev).removeClass('active'); slideObj.find('.carousel-item').eq(slide).addClass('active'); setTimeout(function(){ },800); } }); } ); //End execute javascript for slider image carousel //Start execute javascript for portfolio grid elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-grid.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".portfolio_grid_container").each(function() { var containderDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); column = jQuery(this).attr("data-cols"); var gridDiv = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-content-wrapper"); gridDiv.fadeTo(100, 0); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").css({ opacity: 0, display: 'none', transform: 'scale(0.0)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).fadeIn().addClass('scale-anm'); jQuery("."+selectedClass).css({ opacity: 1, display: 'block', transform: 'scale(1,1)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.last").removeClass('last'); var count = gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").length; gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").each(function(index){ var lastIndex = parseInt(index+1); if(lastIndex%column == 0) { jQuery(this).addClass('last'); } if(lastIndex == count) { setTimeout(function() { gridDiv.fadeTo(300, 1); }, 300); } }); }, 300); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio grid //Start execute javascript for portfolio grid overlay elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-grid-overlay.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".portfolio-grid-overlay-container").each(function() { var containderDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay").imagesLoaded().always( function() { var currentWrapper = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay"); var currentImg = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay img"); currentWrapper.css('height', currentImg.height()+'px'); }); jQuery(window).resize(function() { containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this).find("img"); jQuery(this).css('height', currentImg.height()+'px'); }); }); containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); column = jQuery(this).attr("data-cols"); var gridDiv = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-content-wrapper"); gridDiv.fadeTo(100, 0); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").css({ opacity: 0, display: 'none', transform: 'scale(0.0)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).fadeIn().addClass('scale-anm'); jQuery("."+selectedClass).css({ opacity: 1, display: 'block', transform: 'scale(1,1)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.last").removeClass('last'); var count = gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").length; gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").each(function(index){ var lastIndex = parseInt(index+1); if(lastIndex%column == 0) { jQuery(this).addClass('last'); } if(lastIndex == count) { setTimeout(function() { gridDiv.fadeTo(300, 1); }, 300); } }); }, 300); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio grid overlay //Start execute javascript for portfolio grid overlay 3d elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-3d-overlay.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".portfolio-grid-overlay-container").each(function() { var containderDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay").imagesLoaded().always( function() { var currentWrapper = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay"); var currentImg = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay img"); currentWrapper.css('height', currentImg.height()+'px'); }); jQuery(window).resize(function() { containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay").each(function() { var currentImg = jQuery(this).find("img"); jQuery(this).css('height', currentImg.height()+'px'); }); }); if(!is_touch_device()) { var scaleTilt = 1.15; if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') != -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) { scaleTilt = 1; } containderDiv.find(".grid_tilt").tilt({ scale: scaleTilt, perspective: 2000, glare: true, maxGlare: .5 }); } if(!elementorFrontend.isEditMode()) { containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper-overlay").on('click', function(){ window.location = jQuery(this).find("a").first().attr("href"); }); } containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); column = jQuery(this).attr("data-cols"); var gridDiv = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-content-wrapper"); gridDiv.fadeTo(100, 0); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").css({ opacity: 0, display: 'none', transform: 'scale(0.0)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).fadeIn().addClass('scale-anm'); jQuery("."+selectedClass).css({ opacity: 1, display: 'block', transform: 'scale(1,1)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.last").removeClass('last'); var count = gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").length; gridDiv.find(".portfolio-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").each(function(index){ var lastIndex = parseInt(index+1); if(lastIndex%column == 0) { jQuery(this).addClass('last'); } if(lastIndex == count) { setTimeout(function() { gridDiv.fadeTo(300, 1); }, 300); } }); }, 300); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio grid overlay 3d //Start execute javascript for portfolio classic elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-classic.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".portfolio-classic-container").each(function() { var containderDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); column = jQuery(this).attr("data-cols"); var gridDiv = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-content-wrapper"); gridDiv.fadeTo(100, 0); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").css({ opacity: 0, display: 'none', transform: 'scale(0.0)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).addClass('scale-anm'); jQuery("."+selectedClass).css({ opacity: 1, display: 'block', transform: 'scale(1,1)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.last").removeClass('last'); var count = gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").length; gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").each(function(index){ var lastIndex = parseInt(index+1); if(lastIndex%column == 0) { jQuery(this).addClass('last'); } if(lastIndex == count) { setTimeout(function() { gridDiv.fadeTo(300, 1); }, 300); } }); }, 300); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio classic //Start execute javascript for portfolio contain elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-contain.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".portfolio-classic-container.contain").each(function() { var containderDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containderDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); column = jQuery(this).attr("data-cols"); var gridDiv = containderDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-content-wrapper"); gridDiv.fadeTo(100, 0); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").css({ opacity: 0, display: 'none', transform: 'scale(0.0)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).addClass('scale-anm'); jQuery("."+selectedClass).css({ opacity: 1, display: 'block', transform: 'scale(1,1)' }); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.last").removeClass('last'); var count = gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").length; gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").each(function(index){ var lastIndex = parseInt(index+1); if(lastIndex%column == 0) { jQuery(this).addClass('last'); } if(lastIndex == count) { setTimeout(function() { gridDiv.fadeTo(300, 1); }, 300); } }); }, 300); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio contain //Start execute javascript for navigation menu elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-navigation-menu.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('.themegoods-navigation-wrapper .nav').hover(function() { jQuery(this).children('ul:first').addClass('visible'); jQuery(this).children('ul:first').addClass('hover'); }, function() { jQuery(this).children('ul:first').removeClass('visible'); jQuery(this).children('ul:first').removeClass('hover'); }); jQuery('.themegoods-navigation-wrapper .nav').children('ul:first.hover').hover(function() { jQuery(this).stop().addClass('visible'); }, function() { jQuery(this).stop().removeClass('visible'); }); } ); //End execute javascript for navigation menu //Start execute javascript for video grid elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-video-grid.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery("").each(function() { var containerDiv = jQuery(this); var selectedClass = ""; containerDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").on('click', function(){ containerDiv.find(".filter-tag-btn").removeClass("active"); jQuery(this).addClass("active"); selectedClass = jQuery(this).attr("data-rel"); column = jQuery(this).attr("data-cols"); var gridDiv = containerDiv.find(""); gridDiv.fadeTo(100, 0); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper").not("."+selectedClass).fadeOut().removeClass('scale-anm'); setTimeout(function() { jQuery("."+selectedClass).fadeIn().addClass('scale-anm'); gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.last").removeClass('last'); var count = gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").length; gridDiv.find(".portfolio-classic-grid-wrapper.scale-anm").each(function(index){ var lastIndex = parseInt(index+1); if(lastIndex%column == 0) { jQuery(this).addClass('last'); } if(lastIndex == count) { setTimeout(function() { gridDiv.fadeTo(300, 1); }, 300); } }); }, 300); }); }); jQuery(" .video-grid-wrapper").each(function() { var video = this.getElementsByClassName("video-card")[0]; var id = jQuery(video).data('video-id'); var play = document.createElement("div"); var outline = document.createElement("div"); var ring = document.createElement("div"); var fill = document.createElement("div"); var mask = document.createElement("div"); var wipe = document.createElement("div"); var wrap = document.createElement("div"); var iframe = ''; TweenMax.set(play, { css:{ width: 0, height: 0, "border-top": "10px solid transparent", "border-bottom": "10px solid transparent", "border-left": "14px solid white", "z-index": 50, position: 'absolute', top: "50%", left: "50%", marginLeft: "-4px", marginTop: "-9px" } }); TweenMax.set(outline, { css:{ width: 65, height: 65, border: "3px solid white", "border-radius": "999px", "z-index": 50, position: 'absolute', top: "50%", left: "50%", y: "-50%", x: "-50%" } }); TweenMax.set(ring, { css:{ width: 65, height: 65, border: "1px solid white", "border-radius": "999px", "z-index": 50, position: 'absolute', top: "50%", left: "50%", y: "-50%", x: "-50%" } }); TweenMax.set(fill, { css:{ width: 65, opacity: 0, height: 65, "background-color": "white", "border-radius": "999px", "z-index": 50, position: 'absolute', top: "50%", left: "50%", y: "-50%", x: "-50%" } }); TweenMax.set(mask, { css:{ width: 600, height: 600, scale: 1, opacity: 0, backgroundColor: "#fff", "border-radius": "300px", "z-index": 51, position: 'absolute', top: "50%", left: "50%", y: "-50%", x: "-50%" } }); TweenMax.set(wipe, { css:{ width: "100%", height: "100%", opacity: 0, backgroundColor: "#fff", "z-index": 53, position: 'absolute', top: "0", right: "0" } }); TweenMax.set(wrap, { css:{ width: "100%", height: "100%", autoAlpha: 0, "z-index": 52, position: 'absolute', top: "0", left: "0" } }); video.appendChild(play); video.appendChild(outline); video.appendChild(ring); video.appendChild(fill); video.appendChild(mask); video.appendChild(wipe); jQuery(wrap).html(iframe); video.appendChild(wrap); jQuery(video).on("mouseenter", function(event) { TweenLite.killTweensOf([fill, outline, ring]);, 0.4, {opacity: 0.2, ease:"cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)"});, 0.4, {scale: 0.9, ease:"cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)"}); TweenLite.fromTo(ring, 0.7, { scale: 1, opacity: 0.5 }, { scale: 2, opacity: 0, ease:"cubic-bezier(0.165, 0.84, 0.44, 1)" });, 0.2, { x: 8, opacity: 0, ease: "cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190)", onComplete: function() { TweenLite.set(play,{ x:-12, onComplete: function() {, 0.4, { x: 0, opacity: 1, ease: "cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.610, 0.355, 1.000)", }); } }); } }); }); jQuery(video).on("mouseleave", function(event) { TweenLite.killTweensOf([fill, outline]);, 0.4, {opacity: 0, ease:"cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)"});, 0.4, {scale: 1, ease:"cubic-bezier(0.39, 0.575, 0.565, 1)"}); }); jQuery(video).on("click", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); TweenLite.fromTo(mask, 0.35, { opacity: 1, scale: 0 }, { scale: 1, ease: "cubic-bezier(0.550, 0.055, 0.675, 0.190)", onComplete: function() { TweenLite.set(mask, { opacity: 0, scale: 0, delay: 0.5, onComplete: function() { TweenLite.fromTo(wipe, 0.4, { width: "100%", },{ width: 0, ease: "cubic-bezier(.42,0,.58,1)" }); } }); TweenLite.set(wipe, { opacity: 1, }); TweenLite.set(wrap, { autoAlpha: 1, }); } }); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for video grid //Start execute javascript for portfolio coverflow elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-portfolio-coverflow.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".portfolio-coverflow").each(function() { var initialSlide = 0; initialSlide = parseInt(jQuery(this).attr('data-initial') - 1); var coverflowSwiper = new Swiper(jQuery(this), { effect: 'coverflow', grabCursor: true, centeredSlides: true, slidesPerView: 'auto', coverflowEffect: { rotate: 50, stretch: 0, depth: 100, modifier: 1, slideShadows : true, }, keyboard: { enabled: true, onlyInViewport: false, }, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination', }, initialSlide: initialSlide }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for portfolio coverflow //Start execute javascript for glitch slideshow elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-glitch-slideshow.default', function( $scope ) { class Slide { constructor(el) { this.DOM = {el: el}; this.DOM.slideImg = this.DOM.el.querySelector('.slide-img'); this.bgImage =; this.layout(); } layout() { this.DOM.slideImg.innerHTML = `
    `.repeat(5); this.DOM.glitchImgs = Array.from(this.DOM.slideImg.querySelectorAll('.glitch-img')); } changeBGImage(bgimage, pos = 0, delay = 0) { setTimeout(() => this.DOM.glitchImgs[pos].style.backgroundImage = bgimage, delay); } } class GlitchSlideshow { constructor(el) { this.DOM = {el: el}; this.DOM.slides = Array.from(this.DOM.el.querySelectorAll('.slide')); this.slidesTotal = this.DOM.slides.length; this.slides = []; this.DOM.slides.forEach(slide => this.slides.push(new Slide(slide))); this.current = 0; this.glitchTime = 1800; this.totalGlitchSlices = 5; } glitch(slideFrom, slideTo) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { slideFrom.DOM.slideImg.classList.add('glitch--animate'); const slideFromBGImage = slideFrom.bgImage; const slideToBGImage = slideTo.bgImage; for (let i = this.totalGlitchSlices-1; i >= 0; --i) { slideFrom.changeBGImage(slideToBGImage, i, this.glitchTime/(this.totalGlitchSlices+1)*(this.totalGlitchSlices-i-1) + this.glitchTime/(this.totalGlitchSlices+1)); } setTimeout(() => { slideFrom.DOM.slideImg.classList.remove('glitch--animate'); // reset bgimages. for (let i = this.totalGlitchSlices-1; i >= 0; --i) { slideFrom.changeBGImage(slideFromBGImage, i, 0); } resolve(); }, this.glitchTime); }); } navigate(dir) { if ( this.isAnimating ) return; this.isAnimating = true; const newCurrent = dir === 'next' ? this.current < this.slidesTotal-1 ? this.current+1 : 0 : this.current > 0 ? this.current-1 : this.slidesTotal-1; this.glitch(this.slides[this.current], this.slides[newCurrent]).then(() => { this.DOM.slides[this.current].classList.remove('slide-current'); this.current = newCurrent; this.DOM.slides[this.current].classList.add('slide-current'); this.isAnimating = false; }); } } // Preload all the images in the page.. imagesLoaded(document.querySelectorAll('.slide-img'), {background: true}, () => { document.body.classList.remove('loading'); const slideshow = new GlitchSlideshow(document.querySelector('.slides')); const nav = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.slide-nav-button')); nav[0].addEventListener('click', () => slideshow.navigate('prev')); nav[1].addEventListener('click', () => slideshow.navigate('next')); }); }); //End execute javascript for glitch slideshow //Start execute javascript for music player elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-music-player.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".avante-music-player").each(function() { var containerDiv = jQuery(this); var songIndex = 0; var audio = new Audio(); var $audio = jQuery(audio); var handleDrag = false; var timeIn = 0; // only used on mouseup event var songListID = containerDiv.attr('data-songlist'); var playlist = JSON.parse(jQuery('#'+songListID).val()); const $player = containerDiv.find('.player'), $poster = containerDiv.find('.player-img'), $background = containerDiv.find('.player-background'), $title = containerDiv.find('.player-title'), $artist = containerDiv.find('.player-artist'), $prev = containerDiv.find('.player-controls__prev'), $next = containerDiv.find('.player-controls__next'), $play = containerDiv.find('.player-controls__play'), $scrubber = containerDiv.find('.player-scrubber'), $handle = containerDiv.find('.player-scrubber-handle'), $fill = containerDiv.find('.player-scrubber__fill'), $time = containerDiv.find('.player-time__played'), $dur = containerDiv.find('.player-time__duration'); function time(seconds) { seconds = Math.floor(seconds); const mins = Math.floor(seconds / 60); const secs = seconds % 60; return mins + ":" + (secs < 10 ? "0": "") + secs; } function changeSong(offset, play) { songIndex += offset; if(songIndex > playlist.length - 1) songIndex = 0; if(songIndex < 0) songIndex = playlist.length - 1; $audio.attr('src', playlist[songIndex].mp3 ); const src = playlist[songIndex].poster; $title.text(playlist[songIndex].title); $artist.text(playlist[songIndex].artist); $dur.text("-:--");// Until it loads $audio.on('loadedmetadata', function() { $dur.text(time(audio.duration)); setHandle(0, audio.duration); }); $audio.on('ended', () => changeSong(+1, true) ); var img = new Image(); jQuery(img).attr("src", src) .on("load", function(){ $poster.attr('src', src); $background.css('background-image', 'url("' + src + '")'); }) .on("error", function(){ console.log("Cannot find image"); }); if( play ) {; $play.find('i').removeClass('fa-play').addClass('fa-pause'); } else { $play.find('i').removeClass('fa-pause').addClass('fa-play'); } } function setHandle(seconds, duration) { const percent = seconds/duration*100; $time.text(time(seconds)); $handle.css('left', percent + "%"); $fill.css('width', percent + "%"); } ${ if(audio.currentTime > 0 && !audio.paused) { audio.pause(); $play.find('i').removeClass('fa-pause').addClass('fa-play'); } else {; $play.find('i').removeClass('fa-play').addClass('fa-pause'); } }); $ => changeSong(-1, true) ); $ => changeSong(+1, true) ); $audio.on("timeupdate", () => { setHandle(audio.currentTime, audio.duration); }); $handle.on('mousedown', function() { handleDrag = true; audio.pause(); }); $player.on('mousemove', function(e) { if(handleDrag) { //get percent const width = $scrubber.width(); var diff = $scrubber.offset().left - e.clientX; var percent = -diff / width * 100; // Limit percent to between 0 and 100 percent = (percent < 0 ? 0 : (percent > 100 ? 100 : percent)); //convert percent into seconds var seconds = percent / 100 * audio.duration; setHandle(seconds, audio.duration); timeIn = seconds; } }) .on('mouseup mouseleave', function(){ if(handleDrag) { handleDrag = false; audio.currentTime = timeIn; $play.find('i').removeClass('fa-pause').addClass('fa-play'); } }); // Initialize changeSong(0, false); }); }); //End execute javascript for music player //Start execute javascript for mouse driven vertical carousel elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-mouse-driven-vertical-carousel.default', function( $scope ) { class VerticalMouseDrivenCarousel { constructor(options = {}) { const _defaults = { carousel: ".mouse-driven-vertical-carousel-wrapper .js-carousel", bgImg: ".js-carousel-bg-img", list: ".js-carousel-list", listItem: ".js-carousel-list-item" }; this.posY = 0; this.defaults = Object.assign({}, _defaults, options); this.initCursor(); this.init(); this.bgImgController(); } //region getters getBgImgs() { return document.querySelectorAll(this.defaults.bgImg); } getListItems() { return document.querySelectorAll(this.defaults.listItem); } getList() { return document.querySelector(this.defaults.list); } getCarousel() { return document.querySelector(this.defaults.carousel); } init() { TweenMax.set(this.getBgImgs(), { autoAlpha: 0, scale: 1.05 }); TweenMax.set(this.getBgImgs()[0], { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1 }); this.listItems = this.getListItems().length - 1; this.listOpacityController(0); } initCursor() { //Init only on desktop device if(jQuery(window).width()>1024) { const listHeight = this.getList().clientHeight; const carouselHeight = this.getCarousel().clientHeight; const carouselPos = this.getCarousel().getBoundingClientRect(); const carouselPosY = parseInt(; this.getCarousel().addEventListener( "mousemove", event => { this.posY = parseInt(event.pageY - carouselPosY) - this.getCarousel().offsetTop; let offset = -this.posY / carouselHeight * listHeight;, 0.3, { y: offset, ease: Power4.easeOut }); }, false ); } } bgImgController() { for (const link of this.getListItems()) { link.addEventListener("mouseenter", ev => { let currentId = ev.currentTarget.dataset.itemId; this.listOpacityController(currentId);, 0.3, { autoAlpha: 1 });".is-visible", 0.2, { autoAlpha: 0, scale: 1.05 }); if (!this.getBgImgs()[currentId].classList.contains("is-visible")) { this.getBgImgs()[currentId].classList.add("is-visible"); }[currentId], 0.6, { autoAlpha: 1, scale: 1 }); }); } } listOpacityController(id) { id = parseInt(id); let aboveCurrent = this.listItems - id; let belowCurrent = parseInt(id); if (aboveCurrent > 0) { for (let i = 1; i <= aboveCurrent; i++) { let opacity = 0.5 / i; let offset = 5 * i;[id + i], 0.5, { autoAlpha: opacity, x: offset, ease: Power3.easeOut }); } } if (belowCurrent > 0) { for (let i = 0; i <= belowCurrent; i++) { let opacity = 0.5 / i; let offset = 5 * i;[id - i], 0.5, { autoAlpha: opacity, x: offset, ease: Power3.easeOut }); } } } } new VerticalMouseDrivenCarousel(); } ); //End execute javascript for mouse driven vertical carousel //Start execute javascript for synchronized carousel slider elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-synchronized-carousel.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".synchronized-carousel-slider-wrapper").each(function() { var sliderID = jQuery(this).attr('id'); var slidersContainer = document.querySelector("#"+sliderID); var countSlide = jQuery(this).attr('data-countslide'); // Initializing the numbers slider var msNumbers = new MomentumSlider({ el: slidersContainer, cssClass: "ms--numbers", range: [1, countSlide], rangeContent: function (i) { return "0" + i; }, style: { transform: [{scale: [0.4, 1]}], opacity: [0, 1] }, interactive: false }); var titles = JSON.parse(jQuery(this).attr('data-slidetitles')); var msTitles = new MomentumSlider({ el: slidersContainer, cssClass: "ms--titles", range: [0, parseInt(countSlide-1)], rangeContent: function (i) { return "

    "+ titles[i] +"

    "; }, vertical: true, reverse: true, style: { opacity: [0, 1] }, interactive: false }); var buttonTitles = JSON.parse(jQuery(this).attr('data-slidebuttontitles')); var buttonUrls = JSON.parse(jQuery(this).attr('data-slidebuttonurls')); // Initializing the links slider var msLinks = new MomentumSlider({ el: slidersContainer, cssClass: "ms--links", range: [0, parseInt(countSlide-1)], rangeContent: function (i) { return ""+buttonTitles[i]+""; }, vertical: true, interactive: false }); // Get pagination items var paginationID = jQuery(this).attr('data-pagination'); var pagination = document.querySelector("#"+paginationID); var paginationItems = []; var images = JSON.parse(jQuery(this).attr('data-slideimages')); // Initializing the images slider var msImages = new MomentumSlider({ // Element to append the slider el: slidersContainer, // CSS class to reference the slider cssClass: "ms--images", // Generate the 4 slides required range: [0, parseInt(countSlide-1)], rangeContent: function (i) { return "
    "; }, // Syncronize the other sliders sync: [msNumbers, msTitles, msLinks], // Styles to interpolate as we move the slider style: { ".ms-slide-image": { transform: [{scale: [1.5, 1]}] } }, // Update pagination if slider change change: function(newIndex, oldIndex) { if (typeof oldIndex !== "undefined") { paginationItems[oldIndex].classList.remove("pagination-item--active"); } paginationItems[newIndex].classList.add("pagination-item--active"); } }); pagination.addEventListener("click", function(e) { if (".pagination-button")) { var index = paginationItems.indexOf(;; } }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for synchronized carousel slider //Start execute javascript for flip box elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-flip-box.default', function( $scope ) { var countSquare = jQuery('.square').length; //For each Square found add BG image for (i = 0; i < countSquare; i++) { var firstImage = jQuery('.square').eq([i]); var secondImage = jQuery('.square2').eq([i]); var getImage = firstImage.attr('data-image'); var getImage2 = secondImage.attr('data-image'); firstImage.css('background-image', 'url(' + getImage + ')'); secondImage.css('background-image', 'url(' + getImage2 + ')'); } jQuery('.flip-box-wrapper').on('click', function() { jQuery(this).trigger("mouseover"); }); } ); //End execute javascript for flip box //Start execute javascript for slider zoom elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-slider-zoom.default', function( $scope ) { var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } var $window = $(window); var $body = $('body'); var Slideshow = function () { function Slideshow() { var _this = this; var userOptions = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {}; _classCallCheck(this, Slideshow); var timer = $('.slider-zoom-wrapper').attr('data-autoplay'); var autoplay = true; if(timer == 0) { timer = false; autoplay = false; } var pagination = $('.slider-zoom-wrapper').attr('data-pagination'); if(pagination == 0) { var pagination = false; } else { var pagination = true; } var defaultOptions = { $el: $('.slider-zoom-wrapper'), showArrows: false, showPagination: false, duration: timer, autoplay: autoplay }; var options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, userOptions); this.$el = options.$el; this.maxSlide = this.$el.find($('.js-slider-home-slide')).length; this.showArrows = this.maxSlide > 1 ? options.showArrows : false; this.showPagination = pagination; this.currentSlide = 1; this.isAnimating = false; this.animationDuration = 1200; this.autoplaySpeed = options.duration; this.interval; this.$controls = this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-button'); this.autoplay = this.maxSlide > 1 ? options.autoplay : false; this.$el.on('click', '.js-slider-home-next', function (event) { return _this.nextSlide(); }); this.$el.on('click', '.js-slider-home-prev', function (event) { return _this.prevSlide(); }); this.$el.on('click', '.js-pagination-item', function (event) { if (!_this.isAnimating) { _this.preventClick(); _this.goToSlide(; } }); this.init(); } _createClass(Slideshow, [{ key: 'init', value: function init() { this.goToSlide(1); if (this.autoplay) { this.startAutoplay(); } if (this.showPagination) { var paginationNumber = this.maxSlide; var pagination = ''; this.$el.append(pagination); } } }, { key: 'preventClick', value: function preventClick() { var _this2 = this; this.isAnimating = true; this.$controls.prop('disabled', true); clearInterval(this.interval); setTimeout(function () { _this2.isAnimating = false; _this2.$controls.prop('disabled', false); if (_this2.autoplay) { _this2.startAutoplay(); } }, this.animationDuration); } }, { key: 'goToSlide', value: function goToSlide(index) { this.currentSlide = parseInt(index); if (this.currentSlide > this.maxSlide) { this.currentSlide = 1; } if (this.currentSlide === 0) { this.currentSlide = this.maxSlide; } var newCurrent = this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide[data-slide="' + this.currentSlide + '"]'); var newPrev = this.currentSlide === 1 ? this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide').last() : newCurrent.prev('.js-slider-home-slide'); var newNext = this.currentSlide === this.maxSlide ? this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide').first() :'.js-slider-home-slide'); this.$el.find('.js-slider-home-slide').removeClass('is-prev is-next is-current'); this.$el.find('.js-pagination-item').removeClass('is-current'); if (this.maxSlide > 1) { newPrev.addClass('is-prev'); newNext.addClass('is-next'); } newCurrent.addClass('is-current'); this.$el.find('.js-pagination-item[data-slide="' + this.currentSlide + '"]').addClass('is-current'); } }, { key: 'nextSlide', value: function nextSlide() { this.preventClick(); this.goToSlide(this.currentSlide + 1); } }, { key: 'prevSlide', value: function prevSlide() { this.preventClick(); this.goToSlide(this.currentSlide - 1); } }, { key: 'startAutoplay', value: function startAutoplay() { var _this3 = this; this.interval = setInterval(function () { if (!_this3.isAnimating) { _this3.nextSlide(); } }, this.autoplaySpeed); } }, { key: 'destroy', value: function destroy() { this.$; } }]); return Slideshow; }(); (function () { var loaded = false; var maxLoad = 3000; function load() { var options = { showPagination: true }; var slideShow = new Slideshow(options); } function addLoadClass() { $body.addClass('is-loaded'); setTimeout(function () { $body.addClass('is-animated'); }, 600); } $window.on('load', function () { if (!loaded) { loaded = true; load(); } }); setTimeout(function () { if (!loaded) { loaded = true; load(); } }, maxLoad); addLoadClass(); })(); } ); //End execute javascript for slider zoom //Start execute javascript for course grid elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-course-grid.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery('.course_tooltip').tooltipster({ position: 'right', multiple: true, contentCloning: true, theme: 'tooltipster-shadow', minWidth: 300, maxWidth: 300, delay: 50, interactive: true, }); } ); //End execute javascript for course grid //Start execute javascript for search elementorFrontend.hooks.addAction( 'frontend/element_ready/avante-search.default', function( $scope ) { jQuery(".avante-search-icon").each(function() { var iconInput = jQuery(this).find('a'); iconInput.bind('click', function () { var openDiv = jQuery(this).attr('data-open'); jQuery('#'+openDiv).addClass('active'); setTimeout(function(){ jQuery('#'+openDiv).find('.tg_search_form.autocomplete_form').find('input#s').trigger('focus'); }, 300); }); }); jQuery(".tg_search_form.autocomplete_form").each(function() { var warpper = jQuery(this).attr('data-open'); var formInput = jQuery(this).find('input[name="s"]'); var resultDiv = jQuery(this).attr('data-result'); formInput.on('input', function() { if(jQuery(this).val().length > 1) { jQuery.ajax({ url: tgAjax.ajaxurl, type:'POST', data:'action=avante_ajax_search_result&'+jQuery(this).serialize(), success:function(results) { jQuery("#"+resultDiv).html(results); if(results != '') { jQuery("#"+resultDiv).addClass('visible'); jQuery("#"+resultDiv).show(); jQuery("#"+resultDiv).css('z-index', 99); jQuery("#"+resultDiv+ " ul li a").mousedown(function() { jQuery("#"+resultDiv).attr('data-mousedown', true); }); } else { jQuery("#"+resultDiv).hide(); } } }); } else { jQuery("#"+resultDiv).html(''); } }); formInput.bind('focus', function () { jQuery("#"+resultDiv).addClass('visible'); }); formInput.bind('blur', function () { if(jQuery("#"+resultDiv).attr('data-mousedown') != 'true') { jQuery("#"+resultDiv).removeClass('visible'); } jQuery('#'+warpper).removeClass('active'); }); }); } ); //End execute javascript for search } ); } )( jQuery );